Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Light blinded Jade when she woke up the next morning. Groaning she rolled over only to encounter another body.

"What the fuck?" She yelled and sat up causing her head to spin as the thing next to her started moving.

"What the hell Jade?" Jade looked over to see Rebecca rubbing her head. She banged her head against the wall cursing her stupid drunken state that she forgot it was her best friend in bed and not a random.

"Ugh, I feel like shit. I'm getting too old for this shit." She said placing her head between her knees as she tried not to throw up the contents of alcohol in her stomach.

"Old. You're hardly old babe." Waving her hand, she felt the bed dip, and she lifted her head to see her world had stopped spinning and she didn't feel the need to rush to the bathroom and say hello to the lovely pristine toilet bowl.

"You want to make some breakfast with me?" Rebecca asked as Jade swung her legs off the bed.

"Yea." Both women went into the kitchen and made breakfast quietly while they waited for the coffee to brew and wake them up. 

"So, the hottie next door?" Rebecca asked when Jade started cooking and they both felt alive after a few sips of coffee. She groaned wishing that part of the night had been a dream.

"Not much to say." Rebecca placed her hands on her hips giving Jade the look she always gave her when the talk was coming.

"I may have been drunk, but I wasn't blind." Jade sighed as she started to dish up breakfast.

"I don't know, we're not together, but not quite friends. It's complicated." Jade set the plates on the table and both the women sat down.

"You like him." Jade shrugged her shoulder.

"Sexually I am, but emotionally everything is so confusing. Part of me is saying go right for it, but the other part is more guarded scared of rejection." Rebecca could understand considering what happened with Garrett and your brother and father. 

"You can't live in fear of rejection Jade. You have always feared rejection, so you strive to please everyone." Sighing, Jade knew this was true. When she was younger, she did everything to please her mother and father, but that was never enough.

"Not as easy as it sounds." Jade sighed, and her friend laughed.

"It really is.  Just walk up to him and fuck him until it is out your system." Jade took the chance to laugh wishing it was that easy.

"Whatever, I got other things like my recovery to think about." Rebecca knew very little about what happened other than Jade almost died.

"How is that going by the way?" Jade didn't go into much detail, just told her basically what she was doing both physically and mentally. Rebecca was happy her friend was making progress and finally getting the help that she needed.

After both the ladies finished breakfast, they cleaned up and chilled out on the lounge talking about everything and nothing at the same time. When lunch came around both the women were too lazy to cook so they decided to go out. As they were leaving both, the brothers came out of their apartment at the same time with the idea to get food.

"Jade." Both women looked to their right and Rebecca didn't realise there were two sexy men living next to her best friend.

"Hey, Marco, are you heading out?" Jade asked out of politeness as she tried to keep her gaze from looking over to Marcus.

"Yeah, we are heading out to lunch, want to join?" Jade was about to say it was okay when her friend answered for them.

"We would love too." Jade wanted to smack her friend across the head for agreeing to such a stupid idea.

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