Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"I said get the fuck out, I don't fucking need you here." The sound of smashing glass caused Marco to sigh from the apartment next door. Jade was having a tantrum again and knowing his brother, he wasn't helping one bit. 

"You know what, you can go fuck yourself." He heard his brother yell back, and he sighed before hearing his brother slam their front door and come storming into the apartment.

"God she is being so fucking ungrateful." Marco shook his head and faced his brother, who sat down on the lounge with a heavy thump/.

"What happened this time?" Marco had somehow become the mediator for his brother and Jade when it came to both of them complaining about one another. 

"I fucking try to help her and she fucking pushes me away." It had been 2 weeks since Jade came back from the hospital. At first, all she did was stay in bed and cry, but lately, all she was doing was yelling and everyone. She wasn't going to any of her appointments and whenever he suggested it, she would yell and throw things at him.  They were told to watch out for mood swing and bring her back in, but every time Marcus tried it ended up in a shit fight. 

"I give up with her. I know I fucked up, but she doesn't need to keep throwing it back in my face every, fucking, time." Marcus was beyond frustrated, yes, he didn't know the pain Jade was going through, but fuck, she was being a fucking ungrateful.

"Give her time to cool off." Marcus threw his hands up in the air. He had been, and it did no good. 

"She needs a carer, I tell her and she throws plates at my head." Marcus knew it was hard for Jade, but she needed someone helping her. She struggled day-to-day and it was killing him to see her like this. 

"How does she reach the plates?" Marco asked and Marcus threw his hands up in the air. 

"Fuck if I know."

"Want me to go over again." Marcus sighed and rubbed his hands over his eyes. Dealing with Jade lately was taxing. She was so angry at everything, that few people could stand being around her. She hadn't left her apartment in 2 weeks and if wasn't for himself and his brother she wouldn't be moving from her bed.

"Whatever, I'm going out." Marcus grabbed his keys and slammed the front door on the way out, as Marco slowly crept his way over to the lion's den.

He slowly opened Jade's door ready to duck if things started to go flying.

"I told you, to get the fuck out of my life," Jade screamed and wheeled herself around to see Marco standing before her with his hands raised, and a frightened look on his face at the angry woman before him.

"You are out of bed." Was the first thing he said. It had been 2 weeks, and this was the first time Marco had seen Jade in the chair. He knew she hated it with an all-mighty passion, so it surprised him to see her in it.

"Go fuck yourself." Jade wheeled her tired body into the kitchen and opened her fridge to see the water had been put too high again. She slammed the fridge door and felt Marco was still in her apartment.

She didn't want anyone to be around her; she wanted to just be left alone, preferably with some strong liquor. She didn't have any, but god she itched to feel the burning sensation down her throat to take away the pain. The medication helped, but soon it would wear off and it would leave her with nothing, but pain both physically and emotionally. 

Resting her head against the fridge she wished she could bang her head until she was unconscious or dead, whatever came first. She still couldn't remember what happened, whenever she thought too hard about it, she would either pass out or get a blinding headache. However, she knew that whatever happened; she wasn't meant to survive and honesty she wished she had died, because anything was better than what she was now.

She thought the tour before was bad, but at least everything still worked. Now she had useless dead weight dangling from her body and a brain that was so fired she could barely do basic day-to-day actions like brushing her teeth.

She thought about killing herself, in the first lonely days, but her stupid body couldn't even remember how to do that. Some would say she was depressed, but Jade thought of herself as an angry bitch with nothing to lose. So, who cares if it happened today or 5 weeks down the track, she knew for a fact this was now her life and she wanted nothing to do with it.

"Jade." She shook her head and moved round to face Marco.

"What!" She crossed her arms and saw him shake his head.

"Would you like some help?" Marco braced himself for the out lash he was expecting, but when Jade waved her hands, he relaxed and went to get a bottle of water out of the fridge for her. Jade hated when people asked her for help, Marcus was the worst victim of them all.

'Jade let me help, Jade here give it to me, Jade I'll do it for you.' She groaned just thinking about it. She wasn't a cripple despite what many people would say, but by god, she didn't need him hovering every fucking second of the day.

"Don't bite my head off Jade, but he has a point. You need some help." Marco could almost see the flames coming from the top of her head. He started to back away worried about what she would do to him.

"I suggest you leave. Like right now." Marco didn't have to be asked twice and he all, but sprinted out of her house. Jade glared at the door that Marco ran out of and wheeled herself back to her room. She longed to get into her bed, but her arms weren't strong enough to support her body. Normally someone was over in the morning and night to get her in and out of bed. It would either be her brother, Marcus or Marco, but after she kicked her brother out a week ago, he hadn't come back.

Jade was stubborn and wheeled herself as close to the bed as possible and tried to haul herself up, but as always, she ended up on the floor. She screamed out in frustration and shoved the stupid piece of metal away from her and just lied on the floor. There was a pillow next to her, but she was too lazy to grab it. Lying there staring up at the ceiling she wished her heart would just stop. She knew there were people who would miss her, but her life just seemed so bleak now.

There was no hope. The doctors confirmed, that she could never walk again. She could barely do basic tasks, the side effect of her brain injury. Jade knew she should be lucky to be alive, though she doesn't remember much, she remembers running forward drawing out the fire so everyone could escape.

She should be dead unless someone stopped her. Frowning she had heard nothing from her team, Marcus refused to say anything. She knew she needed answers, but the thought of getting answers seemed too tiring.

Everything made her tired, breathing made her tired. Living made her tired. So she lied on the cold hard floor and fell asleep hoping she would never wake up.  

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