Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jade hadn't seen either of the brothers during the rest of the week and got into a more suited routine. She got up every morning went to the gym for an hour or whenever her leg started to hurt and then made her way home for a shower and breakfast. After that, she would clean the house that never needed cleaning, walk to the physio which to her delight, she could remove her leg brace. After getting told off by her physio she would then walk home. After that, she would sit around the house watching movies and maybe if she was feeling adventurous she would go to the shops or for a walk around the park, but otherwise, her life sucked.

Jade never understood how hard it would be to not to be on duty and have nothing to do, but think about all the mistakes made that could have been avoided.

What she didn't realise was that with the silence, her mind seemed to fill the gap quickly with thoughts and events that she wanted to push to the back of her mind and avoid like a plague. Because, the more she thought about what could have happened, the more guilt she felt over things she could have done differently. The guilt was eating her up inside every day and the more time passed the harder moving forward became.

Waking up that morning Jade had no desire to move. She felt as if she was being weighed down by an invisible force that was keeping her pinned to the bed. Whenever she tried to move to start her day, she felt a heaviness in her chest that made it hard to breathe as if her air supply was being cut off.

So, she just laid there staring at her plain roof as she felt herself sink away from reality and into a world where nothing existed, but her mind and her inner demons she tried to keep at bay.

Jade tried to fight, but her body had no fight left and she felt herself giving up on this world and going into an existence that shouldn't exist inside her mind.

She felt as if she was floating until she felt her mind or body she didn't know, come to a stop. Jade knew she was lost inside her mind as she glanced down at the row of carnage that seemed to stretch on for miles. The smell of rotting flesh plagued the air that was around her. Jade knew this wasn't real, but this was the part of her mind she had no control over. 

She walked through the carnage and saw the faces of her friends that had been lost in the service and a war that seemed never-ending. When she reached the end of the carnage there was nothing, but empty white space that seemed to never end.

Looking back at the bodies, the white space was compelling her to step forward and become nothing as if it craved her presence within the space. Jade took a step forward into the empty whiteness and felt herself drop off the face of the earth. She felt like she was falling, and there was no end to this endless pit she was falling into.  She felt as if she was tumbling and tumbling with no control over when it would stop, but she knew eventually she would hit the earth and the impact would be catastrophic.

Marcus was next door with his brother just hanging out around the house when they both heard a loud thump from next door. They both looked at each other with worried looks as Marcus felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Even though Marcus didn't want to admit it, there was a small part of him that cared for the corporal next door, but it wasn't something he would act upon. If he was being brutally honest with himself, he would admit he cared deeply for his neighbour, but that honestly meant opening up and he wasn't sure he was capable or ready for that. 

"Marcus, make sure she is fine please," Marco told his brother who rolled his eyes and went back to the card game they were playing.

"She probably just dropped something, nothing to get your panties in a twist over." Marcus placed down a royal flush and his twin threw up his hand in disbelief.

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