Chapter 5 : Grand entrances,coffee and abs.

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I woke up to the sound of thousands of people being murdered.'s just my alarm. Same thing. I got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom.

*Twenty minutes later*

I step out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body. I head toward my closet as a thought pops into my wonderful head. I should dress up today.

Yep, I think I'm going to do that. It's the least I could do for the boys, I mean, they are taking me in and I don't think it's fair for me to look the way I do if I'm gonna be around them in public.

It sounds sad, I know.

I'm only trying to look out for the boys though. I don't want a good deed to ruin their social status. I go through all my clothes and I found the perfect outfit. I decided on a white crop top, high-waisted ripped shorts with nude colored flats. It was simple yet cute. I put on my gold watch along with my locket, then I finished the look with my MAC "ruby-woo" lipstick. I put in my hair up in a messy bun then looked in the mirror. I looked okay.

Who was I fooling ? I looked like crap. No matter what I did I would never be good enough. I would never be as good as them. "You are worthless.", I whispered to myself. I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill and make me feel even weaker than I already was. I am pathetic. I looked away from the person in the mirror and made my way downstairs. I saw my parents sitting in the kitchen staring at each other. Literally, staring.

Gross, I know.

Just kidding, they were meant for each other. It breaks my heart to know that no one will ever look at me that way. Why would they ? Have you seen me ?

"Good morning guys.",I interrupt my parents." Good morning sweetie,I heard your friends were over here yesterday. I also heard they were all boys. When do I get to meet them and uhh....rattle them up a bit ?", my dad said.

"Ugh..never I hope.", I replied. I didn't mean to be rude to parents because they are the best friends I've ever had but as you can see I've had a pretty rough morning.

"Why the attitude sweetheart ? And by the way you look really hot today.", my mom said, lying right through her teeth.

"I didn't mean to come across as rude guys, I'm sorry. Thanks mom." I was running late to school so I grabbed an apple,a granola bar, a banana and yogurt. What ? A girl can eat, don't judge.

"I have to go guys. Love you !", I shouted.

"Wait ! Aren't  your friends supposed to pick you up today ?", my mom asked. Oh crap, I forgot. Just as I was about to answer I heard a car horn outside. Knowing it was probably the guys, I headed outside. When I stepped through the door I saw the hottest thing in the world. The one person I've been waiting to see all morning.


Gosh I love this car. I ran to it and gave it the biggest hug in world. Then I composed myself and went to the back door, opening it and sitting in Aiden's lap. "Morning.", I said smiling. "Damn. You seemed happier to see the car.",said Nyjah. We all laughed. "I was.", I replied. The boys laughed even harder at my comment.

We were on our way to school when a horrifying scream echoed throughout the car. We all turned to the source of the scream, horrified.


"What the hell man ?!? What is wrong wrong with you ?!? We could have all died.",shouted Xavi.

That was when I noticed that were on the side of the road.

"I'm sorry,ok ?!? It's just that I forgot to tell you that we have to stop at Starbucks. I need my coffee.", he said like it was no big deal. We all looked at him,ready to pounce at any moment.

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