Chapter 8

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I've been in the pack hospital for a couple of days now. I'm still processing what Xander said to me. Through the past couple of days I've been going on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Mostly being doubtful and hopeless. Figuring out whats real and what's not. 

I've been feeling better physically, however as I move around in my bed I noticed my legs are aching a lot and I didn't know why since I cut my wrists. I would've expected my arms to be more immobile. 

"How're you feeling?" Xander asks as he sat next to my bed.

I rub my head gently, "I'm feeling okay, just a little dizzy still."

immediately Xander stood up, "I'll get the doctor."

"Oh no really it's fine. I'm ok-" he's already gone out the door.

I didn't know how I feel about Xander. He hasn't said much to me, but he's been doing a lot.  He's gotten me food, clothes, and also my poem book. He told me how he read it and saw that it was completely full. So he went to the store and bought me a brand new one. This one had a black leather cover with a wolf engraved in it. 

I mean yeah it's cool, but I still didn't feel good about him. A part of me is expecting this to be all fake. If it was...I'll run away. Far away. I'll run and find my brother. 

Doctor Carmen comes in with a bright smile. Xander follows behind her glaring at the back of her head.

She approaches me with a gentle and encouraging smile, "Hello Luna. I've heard that you re feeling dizzy?"

I nod weakly.
"And my muscles are really sore still, I thought it would go away, but it hasn't..and please just call me Lizzy."

She nods understandingly as she looks at her clipboard, the usual doctorly thing to do, "Yes...well. Because you've experienced severe blood loss. Your arms healed faster because it's a smaller area of muscle ass compared to your legs. Especially for females, their hips and legs tend to be naturally stronger than a male's so when there is nutritional as well a substantial amount of blood loss, your legs will be a lot weaker."

I start to get scared. Am I going to be okay? "Will it leave any permanent damages to my body?" I asked a little worried for my health. Xander becomes tense as I asked the question. He takes a step forward toward my bed as if for comfort.

The doctor lifted her head from her board and says, "Luna-I mean, Lizzy, your legs are going to be very weak, so you will need someone to help you travel around the place a little bit. But don't worry, as long as you get plenty of rest, exercise and good nutrition you'll recover quickly," I sighed in relief, "Would you like a wheel chair to make it easier for you to get your way around, Lizzy?"

I scrunched my nose and shook my head, "No thank you. I think I would rather just try my best to walk. I will use it as my exercise."

The doctor smiles and nods her head, "Very well. One other option is a caregiver, I have a male who is an expert at these kinda of things. He knows stretches, massages and exercises that will help. And he can carry you around as well. He is very strong and very professional."

I opened my mouth to reply, however, a deep growl resonates from Xander's chest.

"No." He says firmly, "If she needs help, I'll do it, if she needs a massage, I'll do it, if she needs to exercise, I'll do it! If someone needs to  carry her...I'll do it! Not another male so don't ever suggest such a thing to my mate again."

The doctor had a glimpse of fear in her eyes. She bowed her head and said, "Of course Alpha...forgive me. I was only thinking of the Luna's health." She then silently walks out of the door.

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