Chapter 49

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I've been running for about an hour. I was expecting myself to feel more...relieved and cooled down..but I don't. If anything I feel more stressed for some reason. What is wrong with me? Why are my emotions going everywhere? Damn I feel like such a female. I stop running and begin to just walk for a bit. I look around and recognize the place instantly. This was the place where I danced with Izzy on our first date.

I remember the way we moved together, how we both felt at that very moment. My arms were around her, ready to protect her, to die for her if necessary, but it seems our roles were reversed. She's the one that died for me.

Xander get back to the house right now!

I hear Soul's voice in my head. I stand up and feel my bones reforming, my skin shifting into the wolf. I turn around and sprint back to my home. I start to see the lights of my house up ahead.

I quickly stop and shift behind a tree. I grab my shorts and run inside the house. As soon as I'm inside, I know that something was very very...very wrong. I look down when I feel something hit me. It was a piece of paper. I grab and see that it was my son's drawing of that fairy lady. I look around. there was pieces of paper everywhere. My brows pull together. Where is he?

Soul enters from the lounge area. "So what's going on?" I Ask.

I see him fidget a little bit. That's strange. He never does that. "Soul? spit it out! What was the emergency?"

"It's Xavier."

I step closer to him, "What about him?" I growled.

"H-he's gone. We don't know where he is."

I grab Soul by the collar and shoved him against the wall, "You were supposed to watch him!" I snarled.

"I thought he was here drawing. And when I went to check on him, he was gone and the door was wide open!"

"So you're saying someone took him?"

She shakes his head, "I don't think so, if someone did take him, they would have to come inside and I would've smelled them."

"So what you're really saying is my son, by his own choice, ran away?"

"That's the only conclusion we've come to."

I was in so much rage. Xavier was the only piece of Izzy left. I shoved Soul against the wall again. I then jumped out the door and into the woods to try find my son.


I've sent teams out to go and search for Xavier. But all of them have come back with nothing. Xander hasn't come back yet, he would probably well beyond our boarders in search for his son. It all seems to hopeless.

I walk towards the window and look at the night sky, "Please, he's been through enough."


I've been searching for hours. Still no sign of him. Not even his scent. I don't know where he could've gone. I fall to my knees. "You take my mate...and now my son. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!" I shout, "I have been in pain for four years and now you want to make it grow, do you? What is wrong with you! Haven't I been through enough you bitch!" I yell to the Moon Goddess.

"Hehe stop it that tickles!" I lift my head when I heard giggling. "Impossible." I whispered.

I stay still for a minute and listen. Another sound, "I'm going to miss you."

I know that voice, "Xavier." a spark of hope. I quietly crawl towards the bush the sound came from. As I get closer, I hear the rushing sound of something. Is that water?

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