TWO - Who's Side Are You On?

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hehehe now for Lee's POINT OF VIEW! YAYYYYYYY!!! i actually love this story so much, why did i ever stop writing it? i dunno, why you guys not like it? that makes me sad. is it really awful? :'(              Pic is of Soul >>>

Lee's P.O.V

Why did soul put me in this situation? Maybe it'd be fun, maybe it wouldn't. Either way it was awkward. I guess that's why my brother was having so much fun. He was enjoying how uncomfortable I was here. But Josh was putting in the effort for my benefit, which I was touched about. I shot a glare at my brother next to me and he piled another pizza slice into his mouth.

“What are you interested in Lee?” Josh asked me across the table. He was a very attractive boy if I looked long enough. I blinked rapidly... what was that?

That thought. What was that about?

“Lee?” Josh asked again. I looked at him.

“Sorry what?” Josh smiled warmly, I looked at Soul so he wouldn't see me blush.

Blushing? All he did was smile.

“Y'all right?” Josh asked me, frowning.

“Yeah, fine,” I muttered.

“You look a little red,” Josh noted.

“He's just shy,” Soul saved my butt, again. Maybe he wasn't so bad a brother after all.

Who was I kidding, he was the worst. I glared at him again, but he just grinned back.

“No need to be so shy mate, we're all friends here,” Josh chuckled. I didn't know what to say.

“Say something,” Soul laughed.

“Like what?” I hissed.

“Interests? Got any favourite movies? I might have some of them we can watch later,” Josh urged me. The smell of the pizza was calming and I took a deep breath in, which of course made Soul fall off his chair laughing. I didn't see what was so funny.

“Ah, I don't know, I like whatever Soul likes mostly,” I said to Josh.

“Cool, because Soul likes most of what I like, hey Soul?” Josh said, leaning to try and see Soul on the floor, who was still pissing himself.

“Ah, it hurts, it hurts,” Soul cried.

“Serves you right for making fun of your brother,” Josh mocked.

“Hey, who's side are you on?” Soul called from the floor.

“Lee's actually,” Josh winked at me and I felt my skin go prickly.


“Who's best friend are you?” Soul asked, still laughing and getting up off the floor.

“Yours, that's why I can make fun of you,” Josh laughed.

We finished the pizza and then Josh turned to me.

“You like chocolate?” Josh asked.

“Ah yeah,” I said. Soul had gone to the bathroom so it was just Josh and me, I was even more nervous than normal. Secretly I knew why I was feeling these things towards Josh, I was privately gay. But no one knew about it. I'd only recently discovered it. Not even Soul knew, and that was a big deal.

Josh winked at me, “So do the ladies,” he said, pointing to his yummy chocolate skin and then turned to the freezer and laughed into it. He pulled out double chock mud ice-cream and set it on the counter. I smelt the artificial ice of the freezer as the door slowly swung closed. Josh got out three bowls and three table spoons and started dishing out ice-cream.

“Guys or girls?” Josh asked me. I turned to look at him.

“Huh?” I asked. That was quite out of the blue.

“Do you like guys or girls?” Josh asked more pointedly.

“Ah, well... I,” I stuttered. How could I tell Josh when I hadn't even told my own twin yet?

“He's gay,” Soul said from behind me, coming back into the room. I was amazed how serious he'd sounded and turned to see his face was serious too. Then he smiled at me.

“Sorry, didn't you want him to know?” Soul asked me. I was shocked, how did Soul know?

“How did you...?” I whispered, unable to make my voice any louder. Just then I smelt another wave of Josh's aftershave, Soul must have used it. The smell was so good, it was making me dizzy. What was going on? In a few short hours my life had taken quite the dramatic turn.

“You're my twin brother Lee, how could I not know,” Soul pretended to be offended.

“That's great. Soul's straight, I'm bi and you're gay. Fun times guys,' Josh chuckled.

Wait; did Josh just say what I think he said?

Josh pushed a bowl of ice-cream towards me and then to Soul. I scooped in a mouthful to avoid speaking and my eyes lit up. It was so yummy, I was in heaven.

“That good huh?” Soul chuckled. I growled at him and he barked back. We were being such dogs, literally. It was something we’d done since we were younger.

“You too have such a fantastic bond,” Josh mused, looking between the two of us.

“Yeah,” Soul chuckled.

“Not likely,” I replied, rolling my eyes at my brother.

“Aw come on, you know you love me. I know you love me. Don’t hide it,” Soul smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows.

“I love you,” I said seriously and gave him a look.

Just try and laugh and see what happens.

“I love you too Lee,” Soul beamed and ate another spoon of ice-cream. I looked to Josh, who was staring at me blankly.

“What?” I asked, “Do I have something on my face?” Josh looked at Soul and then back to me.

“No, you don’t have anything on your face,” Josh muttered, distant.

“Ah… good,” I replied and scooped more ice-cream. Josh munched down all of his and put his bowl in the sink in one swift motion.

“So have you dated any cute guys?” Josh asked me. Soul snorted and ran from the room, holding his bowl of ice-cream over his head with both hands like a loon. I stared at the doorway where Soul had disappeared.

“Ah, no. I’ve only recently discovered that I’m gay. I haven’t dated anyone yet,” I said. Now that Soul and Josh knew I was gay, it felt a bit easier talking about it.

“Oh? I’ve only dated twice. Ellie being my second. My first was a senior guy I liked for a while last year,” Josh told me. I nodded along to him. “It’d be good if we became friends and could talk about that stuff,” Josh went on.

“Oh? Yeah I guess,” I muttered.

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