FIFTEEN - Marshmallow M&M Oreo Chocolate Fudge Cake

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OMG FINALLY GOT AROUND TO WRITING THE LAST CHAPTER! Sorry it's so short, but i just seriously needed to get it over and done with! Hope you like it and don't hate on me too much.



Soul's P.O.V

“Are you sure you're okay?” I raised an eyebrow over at my brother as we walked home from grocery shopping. His face was red like he was holding his breath and he was skipping about happily. What was wrong with him? But every time I asked he'd just shrug his shoulders and keep smiling.

It was so... laughable. My twin is such a dork. We reached the house and Lee stopped halfway across the yard. He held his hands up to stop me and then put a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. He motioned for me to stay, while he went inside first.

“Why? I asked, “Why don't you just tell me?” I was almost frustrated, but he was too cute for that. He just puffed out his cheeks and shook his head at me, then raced off inside with the groceries. I stood there waiting, my hands on my hips, for Lee to come back out. Maybe I should just go inside? I stepped forward to go in but Lee jumped out of the doorway and waved me over. I did, and then he held out one of dad's old ties for me.

“What the hell Lee? What's going on?” he just shrugged and put it over my eyes.

“Did you mess my room up again and don't want me to see?” I asked me. He let out his breath with one big laugh and rested his head on my shoulder so he could calm down.

“No stupid, just be patient,” he chuckled, slapping my arm. I groaned as he did it up and then pushed me forward into the house. The house felt warm and inviting, better than the cool evening air outside, despite the fact if was still sunny.

But I could tell even from around the sides corners of the makeshift blindfold that the house was dark. I new the house well, and mapped out in my head where we were going as Lee led me about. We took me to the back door and then stopped opeing it. I heard the crickets outside it was that quiet.

“What's going on?” I whined impatiently. Lee giggled behind me and then undid the blindfold, letting it drop from my eyes. I blinked and looked outside, gasping.

“SURPRISE!” all my family and friends cheered as lights suddenly flicked on. Someone had set rainbow fairy lights up around the backyard, all over everything, even the ground.

Abbey rushed up to me and kissed my cheek.

“Happy birthday,” she chuckled. I frowned at the crowd that was looking back at me, then turned to look at Lee.

“But it's your birthday too,” I said to him. He shook his head and pointed to his watch.

“Nope, not for another three minutes,” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my brother and picking him up, swinging him around.

“Then where's your surprise party?” I asked him, setting him back on his feet so he could stop squealing.

“Right here,” Josh chuckled mischievously, appearing at Lee's shoulder. He had a bow on his head like a present and a ribbon around his neck. Lee grinned and jumped on his boyfriend as Abbey pulled me outside to join the group.

Mum came over carrying Elizabeth in her arms. My baby sister cooed up at me and I brushed my thumb over her forehead like Rafeki with Simba. She grabbed my had and gummed my little finger.

“Happy birthday baby,” mum smiled, kissing the side of my head. Dad patted my back affectionately.

Matt grabbed my shoulders and jumped on my back, slapping my butt.

“Giddyup!” he cried, I threw him off and he landed on his butt in the grass.

“It was worth a shot,” he winked at me. Tom helped him up and then hugged me.

“Oi,” Matt whined, grabbing Tom's wrist and carrying him away. I laughed, then turned and looked at Lee from across the yard. My twin grinned at me.

“Happy birthday bro,” I called to him. Everyone turned and looked at him too.

“SURPRISE!” they all shouted and Lee and I both laughed.

Well you could be sure, that no matter what, there was never going to be a dull moment with this lot. I shook my head in dismay and grabbed Abbey, kissing her forehead. She nudged me with her hip and then I let her go, ran across the yard, and leaping on Lee. He didn't catch me, and instead we both fall backwards.

“Dude!” Lee cried, laughing at me. I chuckled and rolled off of him, sitting up. He sat up beside me too.

“So what cake are we having?” I asked him.

“Marshmallow M&M Oreo Chocolate Fudge Cake,” Lee and I shouted at the same time. We high fived, and then helped each other up.

We were such great twins.

The End.

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