FIVE - It's Settled Then

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This one is pretty short guys, my bad, it's kind of just to fill a gap hehehehe Enjoy anyway!

Soul’s P.O.V

School was boring, what’s new. The only good thing about it was Art, which I was pretty good at. Me and Lee were different when it came to school; I was more for wagging the bad classes and into the arts. Lee was really smart; he did all that Physics kind of stuff. I didn’t get it.

But Lee was really good at singing and playing the guitar and piano. He was so talented. If only he had the confidence to sing in front of people. But it was his dream.

I was going to help him get his dream.

Right now I was standing in the art foyer flipping through my art folder and leaning against the counter. The teacher was in his office looking for my sketch book I’d let him borrow when Lee walked in with his friend Abbey. Abbey was gorgeous with long Purple, Black and Blue streaked hair and green eyes. I smiled at them.

“Hey Soul, do you know where my phone is?” Lee asked me casually. He was always so relaxed when it was just him and Abbey and me.

“Ah, did you leave it at home?” I asked, thinking of where I’d last seen it.

“No, I had it last period,” Lee sighed, putting his hands into his pant pockets.

“We were using it to take pictures of your painting,” Abbey smiled at me.

“Yeah, so I thought I might have left it here,” Lee explained.

“Come on,” Abbey said, tugging on Lee’s shirt. “See you Soul.” She waved to me. I think I had a soft spot for Abbey.

“Later,” I waved as they went into my classroom. After Lee and Abbey left Josh waltzed in, literally waltzed into the room.

“Soul, how’s it hanging?” Josh asked as he pranced around me, leaping with his legs unnaturally high.

“Low and slightly to the left,” I said, smirking.

“Are you going to ask how I am?” he laughed overly happy, licking my neck before darting away so I couldn’t punch him.

“No,” I said, sounding bored and looking back at my file as Josh danced circles around me.

“Well I’ll tell you anyway. Ellie and I agreed to still be friends! But that’s not why I’m so happy. It’s because I now like someone else,” Josh announced.

“Who?” I asked, cautious and also a little worried he’d say me.

“Guess,” Josh chuckled.

“Mike?” I offered. Josh burst out laughing.

“Yeah no I don’t think,” Josh said in a diva voice.

He actually makes such a good woman.

“Michael Jackson?” I glanced sideways to see Josh reaction. He stopped dancing and put his hands on his hips.

“That’s not funny. Come on Soul, guess,” Josh whined, prancing about the room again.

“Just tell me,” I sighed.

“You’re brother!” Josh beamed.

“Oh god,” I sighed, “You be careful. If you hurt him, I’ll kill you.” Josh stopped mid leap and looked at me.

“I’m not going to hurt him Soul,” Josh said seriously.

“Let’s hope for your safety that’s true,” I growled, evil eyeing him.

“Lee!” Josh cried, looking behind me. I whirled to see Lee and Abbey coming from the classroom. Lee was waving his phone at me.

“You found it,” I said at the same time Lee said, “Hey Josh.”

“The trip is all planned for the first week of the holidays. We’re leaving Friday afternoon,” Josh said excitedly.

“Oh, great,” Lee smiled nervously. I turned to Josh and raised an eyebrow.

“And why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. Josh shrugged.

“What’s going on?” Abbey asked.

“Soul and his friends are going up to the lake next week,” Lee explained to Abbey.

“You’re coming too right Lee?” Josh asked, obviously keen and eager.

“Ah yeah if I can,” Lee muttered.

“We can,” I said.

“You can bring your friends too of course,” Josh said, looking at Abbey.

“Yeah I told you about that remember?” Lee said to Abbey.

“Oh yeah, I remember,” she giggled.

“Will you come?” I asked her. Everyone looked at me.

“Sure, I’ll just have to check with my parents,” Abbey smiled at me. My heart fluttered.

“It’s settled then. We all meet at Mike’s at 5pm this Friday,” Josh said, “Can’t wait,” he added, winking at Lee. I rolled my eyes. Josh was such a… finds something he wants, doesn’t hide that he wants it, and goes for it with so much force not even a hurricane could stop him.

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