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She didn't always go by Victoria, she used to go by Vicky. A young girl who once had a heart of gold and a spirit that made everyone smile.

She baked, sang and danced her way through childhood to pre teens until something ruined her- something poisoned her.


She was ranked as a 'low' wolf- an omega, her family weren't rich and the only thought that kept her sane was that she would meet her mate and she would be loved.

But little did the dark hair girl know that poison had taken root within her- the scars of being name called as poor, weak and mixed blood had taken a toll on her- she watched as her parents were mistreated and humiliated in front of her pack it made her seethe with disgust at how her parents just took it and taught her to never speak up against her 'superiors'.

She stopped singing, she stopped dancing and the only time she baked was when she wanted to make someone sick.

that girl who was happy and smiled at strangers- was gone, she was tainted by the society.

She became poison.

Deciding to leave her pack and duties in search of adventure- she walked for days- she stole and lied to survive and she didn't once feel bad- she was sitting at a near by woods when she overheard some hunters speak about an Ogre- who lived deep in the woods of the Aurora Woods- he was sickly looking with green slimed skin, rotten yellow teeth, broken horns and at a staggering 18 foot- he was legend and if you were to capture him you would be granted riches and titles.

This indulged the young girl- so she devised a plan, she would wait until the hunters would make camp and she would steal their belongings and get a head start on hunting the vile ogre.

Seven hours later and the restless girl finally made her move- the heavy snores of the powerful men gave her relief as she sneaked into their camp and stole from them- she took one horse and freed the others- she took their supplies and made haste deep into the woods.

She got lost and found a small cottage- with acres of beautiful land, the ignorant girl was caught- a young boy with red hair and bright green eyes stood in front of her with a shovel, he glared at her until their eyes met and they instantly felt the connection.


Unable to fathom the fact that her mate was a farmer- a lowly farmer- it made her angry- how could fate be so cruel?!

She rejected the young boy Walker and she watched with disturbed glee as his heart broke- yet the girl felt nothing except hate- she took the money he offered and the jewel that belonged to his mother- he didn't care if she didn't want him, he wanted her to look after herself- she sneered down at the wolf and spoke with such hatred.

"I am not weak, I don't belong to a wolf like you- you're pathetic".

And she continued her journey, no thoughts went back to her mate- she didn't need to think about him, she didn't care.

The poison grew thicker.

She rode the horse deeper into the woods and after hours of searching, she found the cave- high and hidden within the deep trees- she climbed with great effort and she sneaked through the curtain of rocks-

She gasped with admiration at the sight of such beauty- gold, silver and pearls! she felt immense jealousy over the ogre and planned to steal some.

She walked deeper into the woods, she felt the dagger hidden within her belt- the one she stole from the hunters.

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