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The whole curse- real mates- breaking news thing has surely made my brain all with the frazzle-y.

Dean is my destined mate but Victoria forced Violet to cast a curse which in turn stole Victoria's ability to conceive life, and took the life of her original mate just so she could have my mate...

I could easily kill this bitch.

A warmth covers my hand- it breaks me out of my thoughts. I cast a glance down and I see a huge tanned hand lay upon mine and it washed away all my anger. I smile softly as I look into those dark eyes that I have loved- do I love?

Yes. I love him- Star crossed lovers, anyone?

He smiles handsomely at me and it brings that lovely thrill and swell in my chest.

"Are you happy?". I blurt out- completely shocked by my own words.

He frowns with confusion and shock- and I see anger swirl within those dark eyes and it makes me cringe.

"Of course, I am. How could you ask such a question?". His voice is hard and I feel an impulse to soothe him.

"Just listen". I start with a calm voice- "You and Victoria have been together since you were teenagers and you grew a bond and yes, we're destined mates but I don't want you to feel forced into being with me because it was destined that we would- You cant be with someone you don't love". I explain, I never once remove my eyes from his and I watch as the hardness softens into understanding.

a soft and endearing smile works its way on his face.

His hand tightens around me.

"Baby, listen to me now- I know my feelings for you is true. I am thankful for this curse because I was able to fall in love with you because I wanted to- not because of some mate connection- I love you Robin Grey- Hopefully will become Robin Summers soon". I stare into his eyes- my heart pounding into my ears, a rush of excitement and joy exploding within me- I smile and bring our lips together and in that moment I know that I love him.

Then, it happens.

an electrical impulse- something sharp and fast rush first through my lips and then I feel it circuit its way all through my body and up my spine.

I gasp as I pull away- I look to Dean to see if he felt what I just did and from the way he is staring at me I guess he did- but, when I look at him... I see him differently, I see him... as my whole world- my chest swells with warmth and just watching him makes me feel so good.

"The curse has broken- you both experienced true love". Violet chirps from the far sofa- I cast a glance at her and she gives me the thumbs up with a small smile.

"You love me?". Dean asks, teasingly and I chuckle as I place my head deep into his neck and I experience his full scent and it makes my already happy wolf yip with happiness- the smell is so delicious.

Tingles and warmth rush through me at contact and I hear him inhale my own scent and an low growl rumbles through his chest. he pulls me closer.

"You smell beautiful-- my pregnant mate". He kisses my cheek and just holds me there and I smile into his skin- I feel so safe. It feels so right.

"oh, my god. you guys are so cute! I've got the feels- uh, I will leave you to it and I will be in contact with you soon- but please be careful, Victoria will be lurking around soon- Bye guys". She rambles on before leaving yet we pay her hardly any attention as we just focus on being close with one another.

"What do you think we are having?". He asks after a few minutes of silence.

I know what he's referring too.

"I get this strange feeling that we're having a boy- I just keep getting this image of a boy whenever I think about the baby". I reveal as I slowly rub circles into his chest.

"I would like a son, an Alpha Son- This also means that you will have to move into my room". I hear the smirk in his voice and I chuckle at him.

"Do you ever think of anything else?".

"Not when I am around you and your delectable ass". He hums as his hands travel down to my ass and he squeezes.

I supress a groan as I feel the lust bleed through me.

"Wanna make sure that you are carrying a child". He whispers into my ear- he already knows I am pregnant- bloody alpha's and their need to be shown that they are powerful and have super powered sperm!

"If we're not careful this child will end up having two heads". I joke before kissing his hungry lips.


Now the baby will have eight heads!

I groan quietly as I get up from his- our, bed. I cast a glance at the sleeping alpha and I feel my heart swell with pride- I pull on some joggers and a loose shirt and make my way downstairs- I am absolutely starving- I make my way into the kitchen and immediately my nose detects something... like an after smell of someone...

Uh, probably one of the house wolves- I open the fridge and search through it's contents- my nose once again detects something but this makes my mouth fill with water and my stomach growl with hunger- my eyes fall on the pie on the middle shelf.

I stare at the beautiful pie, white icing on stop with slices of strawberries on top- I literally rip the pie out of the fridge and place it on the counter, I grab a fork and dig into the soft pasty- the overpowering smell of apple fills my senses and I growl with hunger. I spike a good amount of food onto the fork and bring it to my mouth.

This is going to taste SO good.


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