Hide and Shriek

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Told by thewhisperingmoth

The following story happened more than ten years ago but I remember it as it had been yesterday. Maybe this one experience is the main cause of my nightmares of that terrible woman haunting me at night since I was a seven year old child:

It happened at a one week school trip in summer of the second primary school year. It always had been sunny and hot and I remember that me and my best friend Jasmin ate many ice creams and spent every free minute on the playground.

One day we visited a farm to learn something about domestic animals and another day we were cooking and baking. We did many exciting things but the last evening of our trip should be something special so our teachers decided to make a bonfire and an ensuing night walk through the forest. Jasmin and me planned to play hide and seek between all the bushes and trees before it became dark so we ate the sausage and potato salad they forced us to eat and disappeared as fast as we could.

My adventure began with a usual hide and seek play but the third or fourth time I had to find Jasmin it became a serious situation. Slowly it became dark and I didn't know anymore how to get back to the bonfire and Jasmin was untraceable. I crawled into bushes, looked behind trees, climbed up some trees and called her name but there was no response.

"Jasmin, this is not funny anymore! It's getting dark and I don't know anymore where we are!" I shouted. No response.

"Okay, game is over. You won!"

Nothing happened. "Jassy, I'm scared. Please come out of there!"

Suddenly it became a deadly silence. It seemed that the forest was holding its breath. I looked around me, expecting that my friend would jump out of one of those bushes, when I felt something behind me and turned back.

I stopped moving when I saw this apparition coming towards me. It was a young woman in a long dress or gown. I don't know anymore. She was very pretty and I admired her long black hair covering her back. She looked very sad at me and said nothing when I asked her whether she had seen Jasmin.

I don't know what scared me at this moment but her presence was frightening and I think I heard something like a whisper around her. I ran as fast as I could and found my friend who had called a teacher to search for me. Only Jasmin knows about the strange woman I met in the forest. I was too afraid to tell another person about that. Maybe I'm mad but now I don't care anymore. I cannot explain what happened then, but it was my proof that supernatural things/ creatures maybe do exist.

 I cannot explain what happened then, but it was my proof that supernatural things/ creatures maybe do exist

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Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя