Chapter 2 : Trust

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{This chapter contains some sad content}

1283 words

{Alex's P.O.V}


The hot morning sun was blazing through my blinds hitting my eyes, oh how I hated mornings. Lets get one thing straight im not a morning person. My eyes flutter open as I sit up looking at my clock.
6:00 A.M
I groaned, I have another hour of sleep! What the hell. Im not tired now, so fuck it. I got up sluggishly making my way to the bathroom splashing my face when I hear my phone got a text. I walked back to see a text from Emma.

"Hey...Are you up..? I need to talk.. I just got dumped." ~Emma

I stared at the text, she wants to talk to me?! About relationships. I grinned, they really do trust me already. I typed back.

"GoodMorning, Whats up?" I sent the message taking my phone to the kitchen. I was making toast when she replied a minuet or two later with a huge paragraph.

"My Girlfriend dumped me...'She said it wasnt me it was her 'thing...I thought it was all going so well and now I dont know. Alex I really miss her. What should I do? Wait. Sorry I really shouldn't be pestering you with this, we only met yesterday.." ~Emma

I took another bite before replying with crumbs flying off my fingers. "You can trust me even though we just met yesterday, I feel like I really fit in. I trust you guys too. I think you should try to move on, things dont last forever but live your life to the fullest, and by sulking over her isnt going to help. Okay..? I know your better than this!"

I finished my toast and headed upstairs leaving my plate out for Mom to clean. My phone buzzed again.

"Thanks Alex :,) Im feeling alot better! Im glad im your friend!" ~Emma

I smiled before brushing my teeth noticing I didnt follow my routine today. Thats a bummer, Its because I must of gotten distracted. I spit and rinsed my mouth before looking for an outfit. Then I saw it. A red shirt with kaki shorts. I slide into the cloths making my way to the bathroom again to fix my messy hair.

I sat on my bed looking at my mirror thinking long and hard about Emma and them. Should I tell them..? I sighed "maybe." I mumbled. While I was in deep thought I notice time had passed and I have 15 minuets till school so I went downstairs to be greeted by my little sister. "Hi Big Brother!" She smiled.

"Hello Alyssa." I smiled, "Im going to school okay? Have a good day!" I patted her head before leaving through the front door. I made my journey down a few streets reaching the big brick school. My heart started racing again when I can closer to the front doors not knowing how today will be.. I took a deep breath in before walking heading to my locker. I open my locker grab my binders and head for first period and take my seat in the back where I was yesterday..This time Jordan was here on time. I got out my notes and started to copy down formulas that the teacher had on the board when Jordan pinched me. "Ouch.. What..!?" I whispered.

"Give me your pencil." He said coldly.

"No." I said continuing my notes.

I didnt have to look to know he was piercing daggers at me. Next thing I knew a sharp pain shot through my side and I was on the floor. He really just kicked me off onto the floor ?! I heald my side in pain looking up at him smirking with my pencil. All for a damn pencil.

"Mr Jordan Gilbert, Go the principles office, I do not need your shenanigans in my classroom." Mr Willakers Stated, "Alex do you need to go to the nurse?"

"No sir.." I said quietly taking my seat awkwardly as everyone watches me. I go to continue my notes when I noticed they weren't there. "Tch...Actually I think ill go to the nurse.." No point redoing them now.. I walked out of the classroom and made my through the twisted hallways into the office where I saw Jordan waiting for the Principle to call him in, Now that made me grin. I strutted past him into the nurses office trying not to laugh. I grabbed my ice from the middle aged nurse who had  slight attitude. I camped out in the bathroom till the end of first period thats when I heard two people come in so I hid in a stall.

"Did you hear Jordan got a new toy?"

"Oh yeah, I feel bad for the guy, he was new wasnt he?"

"Yeah, Jordan says he wants some dirt on that kid for him getting in his way."

"Tch...that sucks. Believe it or not I think this guy is gonna turn out like Isaac..."

"No doubt.."

They left, who was Isaac? and how was I gonna turn out like him..? I left and headed back to first period for my books to be greeted my Emma. "Im scared for you, everyone is saying that Jordan is going to get you Alex." She walked along my side as I ignored her speaking that im done with this Jordan bullshit. "Alex he wont stop until he get what he wants.." Anger boiled in me. "What ! Do you just want me to give him my reputation away that bad? That quick? He wants me to stand down? Well he can stand down and kiss my ass cause' nobody is raining on my parade. Damn right." I walked off without speaking another word.
It was finally lunch when I saw my friends at my table, I sat down beside them. "Alex were worried." They said together.  I sighed. "Look im fine.. I don't wanna talk about this." "Alex please dont close up, tell us everything. Were here and we want to help you fight through this." Emma held my hand. "Fine follow me out to the cherry blossom tree..."  I mumbled slightly trembling. They nodded and stood up followed me outside. I leaned against the tree and took a deep breath, "can you guys keep a secret, like.. can I trust you with all my heart." They all nodded.

"Well you wanna know why I transferred schools... It started when I told my school I was gay...I got bullied everyday for it, everyday was harder till this boy saved me from all the pain. That boy soon became my boyfriend. When the school found out he was gay too they attacked us both. My boyfriend couldn't handle it anymore and...dumped me...After that things got worse. He said I held him against his own will, then he attacked me too beating me up after school with his football team than A rumor spread around the school saying I give the best blow jobs and next thing I knew I had huge jocks forcing me was horrible...every time I said no or disobeyed them they would kick my stomach...Then it got worse when I got home my dad would abuse my mother and he was a bad drinker, sometimes he abused me... It feels like yesterday..." I sighed wiping some tears away. They all hugged me. "We love you Alex we all have been trough hard things but we will make sure you get through this." Kyle said. "Thanks guys, your awesome." I smiled, my smile soon faded to find see somebody who I didnt want to see. My heart ached, my life is over, and so is my reputation...

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