Chapter 5 : With him

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((Play music when said unless you dont wanna you dont have to))
1256 words

{Alex's P.O.V}


I woke up that morning weighed down by my sister drooling on my chest. "Wake up Alyssa..We have to go to school.." I slid out under her before she could grasp ahold of me. She groaned tiredly rubbing her small eyes. "Get ready." She nodded tiredly. I left going through my morning routine, but while changing I couldnt help but look at all my faded scars then my newer ones.. It sickened me to think I broke my promise to mom to never cut since last year. I sighed throwing on a long sleeved shirt and a baggy hoodie skinny jeans and my glasses, usually i would wear contacts but i didn't feel like it today. "Thank god its friday.."
I sighed dragging my feet into school getting stares and whispers. I brought my headphones this time so I put them in blasting dubstep. {PlayMusic}

I got glares from everyone, witch was odd usually some people would stare occasionally. Jordan is up to something...No doubt without it. Today we had a first period swap because the math teacher had a meeting so the sub let us go down and play gym that period, I sighed going into the gym locker room changing into my gym uniform. I walked out onto the open gym court witch was being divided into two teams. Red and Blue. I was picked to be blue captain and Jordan not surprised red captain. He grinned devishly looking right through me. I glared back at him, we were playing dodge ball. The coach blew the whistle and everyone booked for the balls, I grabbed two chucking them at Jordan while dodging other balls; he barely dodged them throwing his dodgeballs at me, I dodged them by a mile. I ran around grabbing two more balls throwing them at two other players getting them out.
It was finally me and Jordan. Everyone was chanting either for Jordan or me. I grabbed two more balls throwing them his way. He dodged them nearly tripping going to grab more balls. It was a real showdown, he glared through me. Next thing I knew his ball was hurdling towards my face I sleekly dodged that one by dropping to the floor he proceeded to throw the rest of balls at me so I rolled and hopped up spinning around dodging the balls, when I thought he had no more balls I look back and Everything went black. My eyes were blurred as I heard faint voices and laughing.
"Take him to the nurse." A voice echoed. The faded music of the song I was listening to earlier swirled in my head as I was seeing blurry outlines.
- (stop music if you wanna) -

I woke up in a white room on a bed known as the nurses office, my head was pounding. "I see your awake loser.." Jordan snickered lowly. I glared noticing my glasses were nowhere to be seen. "Where are my glasses?!" I asked sitting up. "Here.." He places my big black glasses in the palm of my hand, "the dodgeball impact cracked them." He said watching me put them on, he was right the right lens was cracked along the corner to the other corner. "Damnit.." I groaned, "Its all your fucking fault." He laughed.

"How is it my fault ?! Your the one who broke them!" I yelled.

"Wrong, your the one who decided to wear glasses to P.E." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever..." I huffed.

"See you later nerd." He flicked my forehead before rushing out of the room. I groaned as my fingers traced over where he had flicked me. "Nerd..." I mumbled.
I found myself sitting outside with my friends for lunch although it looked like it was going to rain soon the breeze felt nice.

"What happened to your glasses?" Sasha asked poking the lens curiously.

"Jordan, still a lame fucking asshole who cant leave me the fuck alon-"

"What about me?" Jordan reared the corner grinning at me, "and your calling me a asshole? Oh-ho-ho are you implying you want my asshole gay boy? Well you cant have it loser." He laughed, my blood was boiling.

My friends glared hellishly at him. "Jordan your just making these sad puns towards me because your trying to hide the fact you never got ass before let alone a life." I smiled as my friends cheered me on but it started to drizzle.

His face got red. "At least im not a man whore sucking guys off in the boys bathroom! Yeah thats right I did some research on you at your old school last year! Plus i have friends there for proof."

My face went pale as the horrible images flashed in my head 'being forced on my knees being slapped or kicked when I refused. It was hell.'

"Alex..?" Emma tapped on me snapping me out of thought. "Your dead!! I had enough of your bullshit!" I got up grabbing Jordan's collar punching him busting his lip. It started to pour rain, my friends huddled under a tree as we fought in the open. He punched me giving me a bloody nose. I went to punch him when he grabbed my wrist, I flinched at the pain from my fresh cut dropping to my knees as the scab broke open bleeding through my shirt. He kicked all the wind out of me painfully till a teacher broke us up sending us to the principle.
We sat in his office quietly dripping wet, He turned around with papers. "So ive heard somethings about you two." He said lowly, "You two have been fighting for this whole week. Now you two will have to stay after school till you guys resolve this."

"Detention ?" Jordan questioned emotionless.

"No. You two will help clean the school with what the janitor gives you together." He growled.

"Im not working let alone cleaning ?! With him!!" Jordan yelled.

"Deal with it you start after school today, meet at the janitor's closet." He said showing us out.

"Bullshit.." I mumbled, "its all your fault.." I growled lowly leaving for last period with him..
It was after school and we had made our way to the janitors office or closet why the fuck should I care I shouldn't even be here. "Alright im having you mop and clean the cafeteria today." The Janitor said in a low husky voice. We groaned as he led us down there to the vacant room. He left us a bucket and everything else that we needed, he said he will be back soon. I groaned pulling out my phone turning on my music placing it on a table, Jordan didnt make a comment. I finished wiping my tables when I noticed Jordan was staring off into space. "Earth to Jordan!" I tapped him. He snapped back looking at me, he face went red. "Dont touch me.." He growled going back to work. He confused me I couldn't tell of he was blushing or just really angry but I let him be and we worked in silence the rest of the way.
Later I found myself walking home after that horrible session. It was lonely and still pouring.. I opened the frontdoor to see Alyssa waiting. "Big brother ?! Your late.." She pouted.

"I know. Its nothing big to be late." I weakly smile. 'Nothing...' ran through my head the rest of the night.

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