Chapter 17: Climbing up the well

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I have Volleyball tryouts tomorrow so this is monday's update

{Emma's P.O.V}

The first day I laid eyes on Alex i knew he was something different he stood out to me, in a good way. Ill never forget when he helped me out of that relationship breakup but I always will never forget the fact I will never have him...Because he is gay. As much as I want to change that..I cant. Another unforgettable day is when... I overheard him confess his love to Jordan after school. I was going to ask if he wanted to hang out with me that day but I noticed Jordan and him were fighting that's when I overheard too much...

'I Love You Dumbass!'

I fell in love with someone who could never love me back the way I love them. I was suppose to be his best friend and support his choices but when he told me him and Jordan started dating.... I wound up yelling at him and confessed my own selfish feelings instead. I was being selfish, even when he apologized.. I couldn't look him in the eye I was so embarrassed.

I want to say im sorry but im scared. Scared of rejection, Scared of losing my best friend. Sure Sasha and Kyle were also my best friends but I felt a stronger bond with Alex for what ever reason. I dont know what to do.. Im a complete mess...

{Jordan's P.O.V}

A full week passed, a painful long week has passed for me. Jared has been causing me hell but I guess this was the hell I caused Alex before I realized it was wrong. I dont understand how I went from someone who cares about nothing to someone who care about alot.

It was finally the weekend though and I was going to meet up with Alex at the park little did I know I was going to run into trouble. Yep, there stood Jared but only Jared. I figured his gang was hiding somewhere throughout the park too. I rolled my eyes avoiding him hopping up on top of the monkeybars waiting for Alex.

"Jordan." i look back to see Jared standing there.

I groaned, "What now?" I hopped down and continued, "-Are you gonna bring your knife out again?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Im sorry." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I grinned.

"Im sorry okay! Im just mad you started hanging outwith that queer more, We always hung out.. and had fun." He looked down with a hardened look on his face like his head was fighting a battle.

"Had fun? Yeah it seemed fun at the time but we were just causing trouble, and your saying your mad but your actually pure jealous of him." I crossed my arms staring Jared down. "Plus why would I want to be friends with someone who pulled a knife on me."

"I was just angered Jordan. Im sorry just leave the queer and come back. Ive changed."

"No you havent. Now if you excuse me, I believe Alex is waitig for me by the front gate." I turned my back on him and started making my way to the gate.

"You turned into a cunt Jordan just like him." Jared called out.

I rolled my eyes continuing to the fence thinking. 'Yeah uh huh im the cunt when your the one who waited in the park till I showed up..' "Jordan!" Alex called out. I smiled, "Hey."


Some time passed and we were at Alex's house in his room when I got stuck in serious thought. I really wanted to show the school that me and Alex were dating, I wanted to show how much Ive changed because of him. I want to show how much I truly love him. "Jordan!!" Alex yelled. "Huh whats wrong?" I said. "Nothing, are you okay? you seem very deep in thought?"He held my hand making my heart skip a beat. I sighed, "I want to really show the school that were dating.." I noticed Alex tense up slightly. "Im sorry.. i know you dont wan-" "Okay..Lets do it." He softly said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "You did say you were different then Mark right." He smiled at me.

"I love you Dork." I pressed my forehead against his.

"I love you too Dumbass." He smiled.

I then pressed my lips onto his pecking them softly. "Tomorrow we will show the school our unstoppable love."

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