Chapter Nine

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Saga's concentration had been off ever since Loki left. One day, he'd said. It was now twelve days and counting.

"Hey, darlin' you doin' okay?"

"Tony, you don't need to check up on me every hour."

"I know, I want to, and it's not every hour."

"Gloating doesn't look good on you-"

"Are you kidding Gloating looks great on me-"

"-And in any case you're wrong, Loki is coming back."

"-But anyway, I'm not gloating, I'm worried."

Saga rolled her eyes. "Even if you're right, which you're not but for the purposes of this argument, we'll say you are. Even so, if I survived being blinded, I can certainly survive being dumped, okay? How's the testing going on my latest armour plating?"

"Uh, good, I think. Still haven't got the final report but preliminary findings are good."

"I want that report as soon as you get it, okay?"

"Sure thing."

"Good. Now get out. And don't come back unless you've got my report or I'll sic Buddy on you."

The robotic dog raised its head and growled. She'd only been teasing but she didn't chastise the dog.

Once he left Saga decided to call it a day and after calling Buddy to heel, she made her way back to Loki's room. She'd been spending a lot of nights here, primarily because the rooms were filled with his scent and that was just about all she had left of him.

She didn't know what to do with herself.

Well no, that wasn't true, she knew what's he wanted to do, what she would have done 18 months ago, but she just wasn't brave enough now. It was hard enough to go somewhere new alone on Earth, how the hell was she supposed to make her way through Asgard with just Buddy? At least here he had access to Google maps, and she seriously doubted they had Asgardian maps.

But Loki had said one day at the most. How long did she wait before going to look for him?

Why hadn't he come back? Why hadn't Thor returned either? The thought of them both missing made her worry that perhaps Asgard had been attacked again and they were hurt... or worse.

She put Jurassic Park on because it was a movie that Loki had loved, and she settled on the couch with Buddy.

"Where is he, Buddy? Why won't he come home?"

The dog whined I reply.


"And how are you finding your time on Midgard?"

Loki wanted to hit someone. This was the fourth third person to come and interview him, although he didn't know why they bothered since they all asked the same questions.

Saga must be going insane with worry, especially since he'd been rather miffed at her lacklustre attitude. He'd been so certain that he could find that book and cure her, he'd had tunnel vision. He didn't even stop to seriously consider how Odin might react.

Now to be fair to the man, while Loki wasn't free to roam, he wasn't in the dungeons and these interviews were being held with regards to the possibility of lightening his sentence. Odin said that the council each had to interview him though, then Odin would listen their opinions at a trial, where Heimdall, Thor, and even Loki could present evidence of his rehabilitation.

Which was why snapping at the man before him would do his cause no good whatsoever.

"I am enjoying Midgard very much," Loki replied as cordially as he could.

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