Chapter Eleven

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Loki was taken away by guards in the morning, but Thor escorted Saga to the grand hall and sat beside her. She could hear numerous voices around her but fewer than last night.

She was wearing another Asgardian gown this morning but she had also donned her sunglasses since she felt naked in public without them.

Loki had explained roughly what would happen over breakfast that morning so Saga knew what to expect within a little, although the specifics eluded her. Unfortunately she had learned that testifying didn't just mean being able to make a speech, although she could, but she must also face questions from anyone who wished to ask.

From the voices around her, she could tell that she and Thor were seated near the front of this assembly, although the acoustics told her there was space in front of her.

For some insane reason, she was picturing a court room from Law & Order, with Odin as the judge, Loki the defendant and she and Thor as his defence council. It was a ridiculous imagery but it actually served to calm her down.

The voices around her began to quiet and a moment later she heard what sounded a little like a very large gavel, but she presumed it was Odin banging gungnir against the dais. It was more amusing to picture him banging gungnir like a gavel though.

"We are here this morning to review the sentence of Loki and consider the possibility that he might be rehabilitated. I will hear testimony from anyone who wishes to speak then under the advisement of my council, I will make my decision. Who wishes to speak first?"

"I do," Thor announced, which Saga was grateful for. Thor was popular and well liked, his public and unwavering support for Loki would go a long way in convincing people that Loki could be saved.

Unfortunately Odin seemed determined to find only the bad and twisted each situation to try and make Loki look bad.

Saga reached out to stroke Buddy in the hopes it would sooth her.

"But Loki has stated that he fears retribution from Thanos, has he not?" Odin asked.

"Well yes," Thor was forced to answer.

"So his offer to help the mortals overcome the powers of the mind stone could be selfish, because he fears this stone being used against him?"


"Yes or no!" Odin demanded.

"It might be."

"Thank you. I now open the floor to others."

"May I, Allfather?" a new voice enquired.

"You may," Odin replied.

"Prince Thor," the stranger began. "There is no actual proof that Loki was ever acting under Thanos' duress, is there?"

"Uh, I... I suppose not."

"In fact Thanos has not been heard from in thousands of years, correct?"

"I am unsure," Thor replied.

"So this could all be a convoluted story Loki has concocted to make himself seem like a victim, no?"

"I don't believe so," Thor replied with conviction.

"You don't believe?" he sounded incredulous.

"That is what I said."

"Hmm," his tone was sceptical. "I open the floor to others."

Saga had heard enough of this railroading and got to her feet. "Allfather, can I question Thor?"

Odin didn't answer for a long while but eventually he told her, "You may."

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