Chapter 15 - Like Mother, Like...?

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Monday was the last day of break before classes were to resume and Cat took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed downtime, spending most of her day cuddled up with Luke and binging on a few episodes from a few different series she'd recorded on her DVR. She didn't even get out of her pajamas all day, merely switching into a new pair after showering at three in the afternoon. She also ordered pizza for dinner, completely and utterly drained and unwilling to get off the couch to cook something.

She did do at least one thing productive though, and that was to order Luke's new big boy bed since he was clearly at a point where he was ready for it. Cat was just so worried that he'd try to climb out of his crib again in the future and hurt himself, so it was probably time for the upgrade regardless.

Tuesday was absolutely brutal, but it was the first step to getting back into the routine of things. Cat left home at seven in the morning so that she could make it to her morning class on time and still get to drop Luke off at daycare now that she didn't have Amanda's car anymore to drive around in.

The snow was pretty much all melted, but now it was pouring rain like something fierce. Cat had to stand there in the rain and the wind, trying to keep her umbrella from flying off, all while holding the hand of a very cranky toddler.

It certainly wasn't the best morning, and it only spiraled from there when she arrived to class at half past eight to find that she'd grabbed the wrong binder by mistake. She used her laptop fairly often, but she also liked to write her notes with pen and paper because it helped her process the information a lot better. She had to resort to her laptop, which wasn't such a big deal, but since she was already in a sour mood it just didn't help matters much.

The one good thing about her day was when Nick came to have lunch with her on campus, even though he didn't have a class until the evening. He met up with her just outside of her class so that they could meet up with Hannah and Josh at a nice little coffee shop. They'd be able to hang out together for a little while before Cat's next class at two.

"How's Luke doing?" Nick asked, one of the first things out of his mouth once he greeted her with a quick kiss hello.

"He's been kind of moody, but it helped when you came over the other day. He likes having you around," Cat replied with a soft smile, intertwining his fingers with hers. He had his cane in his bag and was only using Duke at the moment, so it left him free to do some handholding, and by no means was Cat complaining.

"How about you, do you like to have me around?" Nick chuckled.

"Yeah, I suppose so, a little bit," Cat giggled.

"Good, 'cause I was kinda thinking about sticking around," he said with an easy grin and a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. Duke stopped walking and his idleness told Nick they were at a red light. Cat reached for the button that caused the red hand to change.

The red hand turned into the white walking man and they proceeded forward.

"Oh, I see Hannah and Josh, they're waiting outside for us," Cat pointed out, grinning excitedly when Hannah noticed them. She wrapped Cat in a big hug when they arrived in front of the coffee shop, forcing her to let go of Nick's hand to reciprocate.

"Oh my God, how's Luke doing? James texted me a couple times, so did Amanda... she thought maybe you were with me!" Hannah rushed to speak. Although they'd texted over the weekend, and Cat informed both her friends of Luke's safe return, she hadn't gone into too many details. It seemed Hannah was excited to talk about it face-to-face now.

Like Father, Like Son ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora