Chapter 37 - Two Weddings and a Birthday

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The first Saturday of August was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding, the food was delicious and Leon's cousin was absolutely stunning in her dress. The guests seemed to be having such a good time, but Cat wasn't really.

When she imagined herself attending a wedding with her boyfriend, she didn't expect to spend most of the night alone with her boyfriend's tattooed best friend and his very perky new girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, she liked Leon and it was usually a lot of fun hanging out with him, but there was just nothing quite like sitting at a table with two people that'd only just started dating recently to make you feel like the ultimate third wheel.

She felt a little dumb for assuming she'd get to dance with Nick all night when the reason they were here in the first place was so that he could sing.

Was she selfish for feeling relieved when the DJ finally took over at around midnight?

So they got to dance to a few songs at long last, and then they mutually agreed that it was probably time to go.

"You didn't have fun tonight, did you?" Nick asked as they strolled along the winding path of the Riverwalk, which trailed alongside the Chicago River. The city seemed so quiet and peaceful from this point of view. Couples were nestled together on benches and enjoying the boats that were floating by while rowdier crowds of twentysomethings were coming in and out of the little restaurants and bars.

"Yeah, are you kidding? I had loads of fun!" Cat was quick to reply, moving a little closer to avoid getting run over by two teenage boys on skateboards.

"I'm sorry I didn't spend a whole lot of time with you," Nick said sheepishly, as if seeing right through her false enthusiasm.

"It's no big deal, really. I love watching you on stage," Cat told him.

"Yeah, you liked my dance moves?" Nick smirked, a devilish sort of aura drifting across his features.

In one swift motion, leaving Cat with no time to react, he pulled her in close and swayed her to the melodic sound of a street performer playing an acoustic guitar. His feet moved so effortlessly and while Cat had never really been a good slow dancer, he made it feel so easy and natural.

"You're a goof," Cat whispered, wrapping her arms around Nick's neck and getting up on her tippy toes to kiss him.

"I know," he grinned, his breath warm as the midsummer evening on her tingling skin. "Listen," he went on, pulling away from her, although he didn't quite break contact, both hands remaining on her hips. "Next weekend, I promise I'm all yours... every single dance."

"Yeah," Cat sighed.

"And I'll be there by your side when you talk to your parents too," Nick went on without skipping a single beat, reading the tone of Cat's voice with such ease.

"I know, I love you for that," Cat smiled, using his chest for extra balance as she lifted herself up on her tippy toes and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

Cat knew he'd be right there by her side, but that didn't make the thought of seeing her family again any less stressful.

They invited a few friends over for dinner that following Friday and had some birthday cake to celebrate Nick turning twenty-two. Hosting a little get together like that was enough to take her mind off the drama that was her life right now, but once everyone had gone home and Nick went to start on Luke's bedtime routine... all of the thoughts came rushing back to her.

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