Chapter 41 - Family of Three

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When Cat got home from visiting her parents' early in the evening, her son latching onto her hand, she was feeling physically sick. She thought they were beyond all of the judgment and the holier-than-thou attitude. She thought she could go over there and have a nice meal; hell, maybe even have a decent, adult conversation!

Apparently, she was overly optimistic.

Nick was there waiting for them with dinner ready when she came through the door and slammed it shut with just a little too much force. She recognized the sweet, doughy scent mixed with meat and spices. He got Mexican, likely from their favorite place. She should've been hungry again by now, especially after the day she'd had, but the idea of eating anything made her feel even worse.

She wanted to throw up.

"We ate a lot of bacon!" Luke said excitedly as he darted straight for Nick.

"Are you serious? Dang, I'm so jealous... so I guess you aren't too hungry now then?" Nick chuckled, although there was something a little off about him too, like his day hadn't been much better than hers.

"Yes I am!" Luke said quickly, almost defensively.

Regardless of what could be going on to make him look so glum, Nick still took the time to lower himself down into a semi-kneeling position on the floor to give Luke a hug, the kind that made Cat want to cry. She loved watching those two boys interact, but right now all she felt was guilt.

She should've stood up to her dad about Nick. Who was he to go saying those things when the two had never actually shared more than a few sentences before? Her dad didn't know anything, but still he ran his mouth like his opinion was the only thing worth listening to. It was the exact same story now as three years ago. He needed to have the final word, no matter who got hurt.

Maybe she had to cut her losses.

"Hey buddy, do you think you could go play in your room for a little bit? You can go set up your race track, we'll play after dinner," Nick said seriously.

Luke tore toward his bedroom without a single protest and Nick stood back up at his full height, towering over Cat once again. She watched him as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking almost nervous.

"It wasn't that bad, I'm OK..." Cat said, but he could probably tell from her tone of voice that she wasn't telling the truth. Before she could stop herself, she went on angrily. "They just make me feel like such a child, and it's like I'm incapable of defending myself around them... I don't know, it's like I'm constantly searching for approval I'm never going to get..." she hissed, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. When he only hugged her back half-heartedly, she looked up at his face and frowned. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing, it's not important, we can talk about it later," Nick answered.

Cat was not convinced.

"Nick," she egged him on stubbornly.

Nick hesitated for a moment, running his fingers gingerly through Cat's hair and down her shoulders. His fingertips caused goosebumps to run down the length of her arms, all the way to her own fingertips.

"I had a pleasant conversation with James today," Nick said in a deadened sort of voice.

"Shit," Cat muttered.

Nick led her to the couch and explained everything. With every word that came out of his mouth Cat felt her heart rate pick up speed. She didn't know whether or not she believed James would give up his rights as Luke's father so easily, certainly not after all the hell he'd put them through over the last few months. On the other hand, she would definitely not put it past him to have some sort of ulterior motive... a scheme...

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