The Shark Attack & The Cavalry

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~ The Shark Attack & The Cavalry ~


"Alright, I'm leaving now. Everything should run smoothly today. Let me know if I need to come back, but only if it's an emergency. Abby," my mother turned to me. "You know what's popular. If any of those run out, leave Theo to tend to customers while you make a couple of batches of whatever needs making." She winked at Theo. Her trust in him astounded me.

She didn't see him fumbling around yesterday. No thanks to me, I thought with a secret smile as she continued.

"And Abby, show him how it's really done this time. Don't just throw him to the sharks like you did yesterday."

My jaw dropped in response to her, while Theo chuckled.

"I see all," she told me cryptically.

Theo draped his arm over my shoulders. "Don't worry, Mrs. Hensley. Abby and I have this under control. Enjoy your day off."

She cooed, "You are such a sweetie pie."

Theo squeezed my shoulder, exuding cockiness as he whispered to me, "She thinks I'm a sweetie pie."

Smiling at my mom, I waved as she got in her car to leave. I whirled around to Theo, causing him to lose his balance and drop his arm. I held the same smile as we stared at each other for a moment. "Let's get to work, Cupcake."

Theo had surprisingly been on time when we opened in the morning. He even offered to make the coffee while my mom and I did the baking. I couldn't exactly complain about him then. However, I could complain about being left alone with him to run the bakery for the rest of the day while my parents went to visit Jenny. I had been perfectly fine in the past on the rare occasion that no one else was available. Even if I had to call my friends in when the place was busy, I imagined it would run smoother without Theo Keller present.

I guess I'll take it easier on him today. After all, he does make good coffee. I bet it's the only edible thing he's good at making...

"Do you think you can survive the sharks while I go ice the cinnamon rolls?"

He scanned the tables and the customers sitting at them, then he made a display of looking out the windows to see if anyone was about to come in. "I think I can manage," he answered leisurely. "Unless there's a surprise shark attack. And if that's the case, I'll scream for your help because I know you would come to my rescue." Theo grinned knowingly, leaning his weight on the stool by the cash register. He crossed his arms. "Right?"

"Of course," I responded cheerfully, waiting until my back was turned to roll my eyes. I could have sworn I heard him whisper that I was a liar as the swinging door shut behind me. Technically, I wasn't lying. As much fun as it would be to watch him flailing and failing, I didn't want it to reflect poorly on the bakery or my mom. To get even more technical, I do kind of owe him, I reasoned as I washed my hands.


I only just finished making the icing when I heard him. I hadn't been in the kitchen for ten minutes and he already needed rescuing.


I wasn't in a hurry when he called my name, so I iced the first roll. The second time I heard my name sounded frantic. I better check it out, I wiped my hands on my apron.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Triple C stands for Chocolate Chip- Crap!" My eyes widened at the amount of people coming into the bakery.

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