Recipes & Not For Sale (Or Eating)

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~ Recipes & Not For Sale (Or Eating) ~


"It's nice of you to offer, but I don't need help."

"It's not an offer. I'm insisting," Theo corrected. "Really, it's cute that you think you have a say in the matter."

My gaze narrowed. "I could say the same to you. As your superior at this establishment, I insist you go home."

He chuckled and poked my forehead. "As always, nice try. I'm staying to help as a friend, not an employee. What else you got, Sugar?"

I struggled to come up with another reason for Theo to leave without telling him the truth. The bakery was closed and the clean-up was done. My mom wanted to bake the cupcakes for me, but I sent her home because it was my responsibility to do it.

Theo and I had been standing there with our arms crossed, arguing for the past five minutes. I needed to get the cupcakes done, so I could actually get some sleep before the night was over. I was just glad I finished what little homework I had to turn in tomorrow. And Theo helping would not be of any help. If anything, he would set me back.

"I enjoy winning these little battles." He uncrossed his arms and rested his thumbs in his cupcake apron pockets, looking more cute than arrogant.

"You're terrible in the kitchen, Theo," I blurted out. "You will only make it more difficult for me. I'm tired and I just want to get them done." My mouth snapped shut and I sucked in my lips. I didn't intend for it to come out that way. "I'm sorry."

His smile softened. "Abby, it's okay. You're right, but I know you will have a harder time on your own. Which is why I'm going to do exactly what you tell me to do and not mess anything up. Hell, I can just have oven duty so you won't get burned."

"That's more likely to happen to you, not me." With a sigh, I conceded. "You make it really difficult to argue with you."

"It's your fault for making it so fun."

I breathed a laugh and tightened my apron. "Let's do this, Cupcake."

He kicked the swinging door in and caught it with his back to hold it open for me. I entered the kitchen and gathered all the trays and tools we would need. Theo set the ovens and prepped the trays by my instruction while I started on the batter.

"So I've been thinking..." I trailed off, hesitating to bring up the subject.

"About me?"

A little. "About what you said."

His response was drowned out by the electric mixer. When the rest of the ingredients were gradually mixed and the batter was ready, I turned it off. Theo set two trays down for me to fill.

"That whole thing about us getting to know each other better," I continued. "Maybe we could start small. Easy questions or something."

He nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, I'll go first. What was really going through your head when what's-her-name asked you to make these cupcakes?"

I spilled a bit of batter at his sudden inquiry. I didn't think he would jump right in with a question that wasn't so easy. "Uh, nothing. I'm happy to help."

"Right." He took the trays to the oven and came back with the other two empty trays. "You're missing the point of this, Abby."

"Okay, okay. I wondered why they waited to ask me last minute," I stopped, uncertain if I should tell him the rest.

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