Blindfolded & Mostly Legal

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*pours holy water all over the chapter title, then tosses the bucket aside and looks directly at you. Yes. You.*

Get your mind of the gutter, Sweetie.

Blindfolded & Mostly Legal


I had every intention to sleep in after a late night of friend-hunting, but that was all ruined by the incessant doorbell ringing and knocking.

My parents weren't home, which was no surprise considering how little I saw of them all week. That left me to roll out of bed and drag my feet to the front door.

Yvette and Eli grinned at me far too brightly for the morning. I squinted at them in the sunlight and took a minute to rub my sensitive eyes.

"It's not that I haven't missed you," I grumbled and then yawned before continuing, "but what the hell are you guys doing here?"

"It's time for you to get de-frumpified," Yvette said.

"Do I have to?" I asked, still in the same pajamas and robe from last night. I hadn't even bothered with makeup for nearly a week, and that was a long time for me. The locks that didn't escape the bun on top of my head now hung limply beside my ear.

"You look like shit," Eli threw his two cents in, "so I would say it's necessary."

I scowled at him and his grin turned sheepish. I would have said that Theo loved how I looked, but they already knew that, didn't they? The sneaky, no-good, lousy friends.

"Trust us," Yvee said, "and go get changed. We'll be waiting."

She pushed past me, making the way for Eli to come in too. I watched as they made themselves comfortable on the couch. He kicked back with his feet up on the coffee table and Yvette grabbed the remote to turn the tv on. I scoffed at the two of them, but they just shooed me away.

Half an hour later, I was showered and dressed for any occasion. My hair was up in a ponytail and my makeup was minimal, but at least I put in some effort. I slipped into my satin bomber jacket, pushing the sleeves up as I stepped out into the living room.

"There she is," Eli stood up and came over to me.

"It would be nice to know where we're going."

"We're going to the place."

I eyed him warily as he pulled a strip of material out of his back pocket.

"The place?"

He nodded. "The place with the people and the things. Now turn around so I can blindfold you."

"Blindfold?! I don't think so." I took a step away instead of doing what he said.

"Get your mind out of the gutter and save it for your boyfriend," Eli smirked before circling around me. "He is the one making me do this after all."

With a resigned sigh, I allowed him to cover my eyes and tie it in the back. I didn't want to guess our destination, but I had to ask before any ridiculous hopes built up inside like a house of cards.

"We're not going to the bakery, are we?"

"No," Eli answered with a touch of sadness in his voice as he put his hands on my shoulders to guide me outside. "Theo is good, but he's not a miracle worker."

I thought I heard him mutter, "Yet."

"Where is he, anyway? And Jarod too."

Yvette answered from somewhere ahead of us, "At the place. Theo is busy and Jarod can't be trusted, so we were sent to get you."

Sweetly & Home Economically ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ