Chapter 13

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April's P.O.V

It has been a few weeks since the rogues have been spotted, but nevertheless, training has been picking up. Aiden has taken to the training like a pro, learning a whole bunch of defence and offence techniques. 

I have also noticed that he is allowing the bond to take its course, allowing himself to follow his true emotions towards me. I can tell because whenever a male, whether mated or not, comes near me, he starts to growl, like he is stating that I am his. Not only that but during combat training, whenever one of our strongest guards made a slight move to tackle me, Aiden would give them a one way ticket to the infirmary. 

Even though he has decided to follow his emotions, he still hasn't made any move to kiss me. Crystal has told me to be patient, that all of this is a lot to take in and that he is probably shy. I chose to believe her, only to calm my racing thoughts. 

I must have been too caught up in my thoughts because the next thing I know is that I am tackled to the ground by a rogue and his jaw is latched onto my shoulder. I yell, yet i'm still not sure if it is out of pain or shock, and try to get out of its grip.

A few minutes after it has been using my shoulder as his knew chew toy, it is being tossed off of me and thrown into a near by tree, by my handsome overgrown husky mate. While Crystal runs up to me to help stop the bleeding, Aiden rushes towards the rogue, biting and clawing into any available space he could get too. The pack doctor comes into view just as Aiden bites down hardly on the rogues neck, cutting off its airway and effectively killing it. 

He must have snapped out of whatever fury infused trans that he was in because he abruptly dropped the dead rogue, looked around him and then at me with panic induced eyes, turns around and dashes into the woods. I would have run after him, but I was starting to feel slightly dizzy, the pack doctor yelling out to others to get me to the infirmary as soon as possible, was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


I woke up to an annoying beeping sound echoing in my ears. I look around at the white walls cast in a yellowish glow from the open lamp next to my bed, figuring out that I was in the infirmary. I see my mother walk into my room and as soon as she lays her eyes on my bedridden form, she runs up to the left side of my bed and hugs me to her chest tightly.

"Oh April honey, you're okay," she says in a choked whisper.

"Yeah I'm okay. Where is Aiden?" I ask.

She looks at me with sadness and pity, "he hasn't come back yet. The doctor said that you are okay and that you can leave as soon as you see fit".

As soon as she says that, I rip the tubes from my arms, wincing a bit at the slight pain, and then put on the new clothes my mother must have brought. Once I was dressed I hugged my mother and with a goodbye kiss on the cheek, I walk out of the house and sniff around for Aiden's sent. When I find his scent, I walk into the direction that it leads me in, and I end up at the lake, with Aiden curled up near the water.

I slowly walk up behind him, calling his name. He turns around and sees me, scrambling up to his feet, and backing away from me. He has fear in his eyes, and with his arms up in front of him, he says, "April, stay away from me, I'm dangerous."

I stop walking, making sure he notices that I wont move any closer until he tells me to.

"Aiden it's okay."

"No April! It is anything but okay!" He shouts, "don't you see? I just killed somebody! I told you I was monster!"

He is breathing rapidly and shaking.

"You are not a monster Aiden," I tell him with a calm voice, "you saved me. If you wouldn't have done that, he would have probably killed me and plenty of others too."

He is quiet for a minute, before he drops down to his knees, sobbing. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him, feeling him wrap his own around me tightly. He squeezes me closer to him, crying against my shoulder, "I thought I lost you. I thought that I didn't react fast enough and he killed you," he mumbles.

I pull away slightly, cup his cheeks with both of my hands and wipe away his tears while making him focus on me. "You didn't lose me Aiden. I'm right here and I am not going anywhere, okay?" He looks into my eyes, almost as if he was searching for a lie. When he couldn't find one, he nodded and hugged me to him again.

I let him hold me, basking in the feeling of his citrus sent surrounding me. I felt so safe in his arms that I didn't want to leave them.

After a few minutes, Aiden pulls away and looks at my face. Once his eyes raked over every inch of my face, his gaze lowered to the shoulder that was bitten, lightly tracing the spot with his fingers. 

"Does it still hurt?" He whispers with a croaky voice.

"Not that much, but give it a day or two and it will be like nothing ever happened," I tell him with a small smile. He swallows and then leans down to plant a small, lingering kiss on my shoulder. I shiver from the pleasurable tingles that course through me, keeping my gaze on his face as he looks back at me.

After a few seconds of looking at my face, I see him leaning in closer, and the next thing I know is that his lips are gently placed upon mine. Once the initial shock of my mate kissing me disappears, I kiss him back with the same gentle rhythm he has set up.

We kiss for a little while longer until we feel little drops of rain falling down upon us. "We should probably head back," I tell him.

He nods and then gets up, pulling me along with him. He kisses my cheek and then lips one more time before grabbing my hand and walking back towards the pack house. Throughout the walk, Aiden stays on high alert, which I am guessing is because of the rogue attack earlier. Once we get to the pack house, we head up to our rooms and get ready for bed.

I climb into bed and before I can close my bedside lamp, the door opens and in walks Aiden wearing a pair of pyjama bottoms with no shirt, his plenty of bracelets still adorning his wrists. He silently climbs into the bed with me, shuts off my lamp, and pulls me closer to him. 

He kisses me gently for a few minutes before pulling away, "goodnight April," he says.

"Goodnight Aiden," I tell him with a smile on my face. I peck his lips once more, watching this beautiful creature fall asleep right in front of me. I curl up to him and fall asleep also.  

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