Chapter 18

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Aiden's P.O.V

The moment I walked into my mothers hospital room, I broke down crying for the third time in just one day. I saw my mother open her arms and it was like I was a kid again and she would be waiting for me at the front door when I came back from school. I got up from the floor and ran into her arms, hugging her gently so I didn't hurt her more than she already was.

"Oh my baby boy, you're alright," my mother said. God it's been so long since I heard her call me her baby boy and I have missed it incredibly.

"I'm okay mama, I'm okay," I tell her. She rubs my back in soothing circles, getting me to relax.

I pull back from her embrace, albeit reluctantly, and get the chair that is in the corner of the room and pull it as close to her bed as possible. Once I am seated, I grab both of her hands in one of mine, rubbing them with my other hand. "Did Alpha Michael do this to you? Was it him?" Her face turned turned pale and her eyes became wide, she looked completely scared. "He did, didn't he?" I said, getting ready to go and beat the living shit out of him, probably even kill him myself.

"No! Sweetheart, he didn't do anything," she said. I looked at her in confusion and I could see she was lying. "You're lying," I inform her.

She sighed, and told me to sit down again and that she had something to tell me. "I figure that you have found out you are not a normal boy huh," she said. I nodded my head, and fidgeted in my seat a bit- this topic still kind of freaks me out. Don't get me wrong, I have accepted who I am and I am somewhat happy now, especially with April, but it is still difficult to wrap my head around. "Well then I guess you know about mates?" 

I nod my head and then decide to tell her about April, after all she is my mother and she deserves to know, "yeah I do, and guess what? I found mine." She smiles the brightest I have ever seen and I could see pride and happiness shining bright in her eyes. 

"Really? What's her name? Or him, whatever the Moon Goddess chose for you. Just know that I am happy with whichever one," she says.

I laugh a bit, "her name is April, and she is just amazing. She saved me mom. I was about to get killed by her pack but she got them to stop. She has taken care of me ever since," I tell her.

"Does she know?" My mother questions.

I shake my head and she sighs in disappointment. "Aiden..." She starts but I cut her off before she can continue.

"So why didn't you ever tell me what I was?" I ask, because for the longest time ever, I have always wanted to know. Besides it worked, she started to continue with her story.

"Well, since you already know about mates, you know that every werewolf gets one," when I nod my head, she continues. "I had one too, and when I was just about one year older than you, everything went wrong."

About two hours later, she finishes her story. She told me that her mate rejected her after sleeping with her, and after being heartbroken, she ran away. She said that two weeks after she ran away, she found out she was pregnant with me, so she had married Dan that way his human sent would mask hers and then mine, just in case my birth father came looking for her. She said that she had wanted to tell me so many times when I showed signs of changing, but by the time she had worked up the courage, I was in the hospital fighting for my life. Then I had ran off. 

"So who is he? My birth father, the person who left us to rot with that bastard Dan?" I ask her. I have been holding in my anger throughout her story, but as she kept going on and on about how her mate rejected her like that, it has been boiling and is pretty close to blowing up.

"Aiden that doesn't matter anymore, what does matter is that we are here together again," she says, trying to avoid my questions.

"Who.Is.He.Mother?" I practically growl out. When she knows that I wont give up on the topic, she signs and then opens her mouth to speak. The two words that came out of her mouth set off my pent up anger.

"Alpha Michael."

I growl so loud I started to think that the building would shake. I jump out of my chair, and seeing red, I run to the room Alpha Michael was in. When I see him sitting down, I run up to him, grab him and press him up against the wall. I punch him in the face a couple of times before yelling, " HOW COULD YOU?!? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY MOTHER AND LET US LIVE A LIFE FULL OFHELL?!?" 

I continue to punch him until I hear my name being yelled out and then a hand on my shoulder. Automatically, tingles erupt throughout my body, and all the anger just seems to leave my body. I turn around and grab April in my embrace breathing in her sent. She rubs my back, and then starts talking to someone behind me, which I find out is her father.

Then I hear that bastards voice, "Aiden, son..." I growl and turn around, getting ready to punch him some more, but April keeps her arms around me, and I don't want to hurt her so I settle for yelling.

"DON'T! DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME YOUR SON!" When I say that, I see a look of pure and utter pain in his eyes. No! He doesn't get to feel pain when he is the one who caused my mother and I a world of pain. "YOU CAUSED MY MOTHER AND I SO MUCH PAIN! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT I ALMOST DIED!"

After that was said, I got out of Aprils grasp and ran out of the room. I just had to get out of there or else I would have killed him for sure. I hear April yelling out my name, but I just kept running until I reached the lake. She reached me and then tugged on my arm, effectively turning me around so that I can look into her eyes.

"Aiden! What is going on?" She asks. When I don't answer her for a while she continues, "whatever it is, you can tell me Aiden. We are mates, and mates don't keep things from each other, especially when those things tear them apart from the inside."

I sigh and pul her closer to me, telling her to sit down. Once she does, I sit down next to her. She looks at me, waiting for me to tell fill her in. "April I need you to promise me something."

"Anything, Aiden you can trust me with anything." 

"Can you promise me that after I tell you, you won't leave me? April, now that I know how amazing it is to not feel pain, and to be happy, especially since you're the one who makes me feel like that. I can't lose you April."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes, and I am pretty sure that I am mirroring her too. She crawls closer to me and then straddles my lap, grabbing my face in both of her hands. She kisses me deeply and I kiss her back, thinking that this is going to be the last time that I get to kiss her. She pulls away, leaving the both of us breathless, "I promise Aiden, I would never leave you. Especially since I have waited so long for you to show up."

I look into her eyes, just looking for any sign that she could be lying, but I don't find any. I kiss her delicious lips one more time before pulling her closer to me.

"April, I think it's time that I tell you how I became a rogue. Let me tell you now, it is not a pretty story," I tell her.

There is a mixture of happiness and fear in her eyes, but she stays there and listens to me explain my crapy life.

"It all started when I was nine years old and I had shifted for the first time...." I begin.

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