Part 10

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"Are you done?" I asked in a quiet voice. She looked at me as if I lost my mind. "You can't be serious! What the hell are you thinking?" I took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm thinking that the Elders will be here in the morning and he might try something if he suspects that they are. If I go, he will be too preoccupied to think something is up. What did you tell him?" As long as we got our stories straight, everything would be fine. At least, I hoped it would be.

She sighed and said "I told him that I still had to talk to you about the results. I didn't tell him what they were." "Good. I'm going to tell him that they came back inconclusive again and that you lectured me on the importance of telling the truth." He'll like that her exam proved me to be lying. He liked disenfranchising me, making me feel as low as he possibly could. He liked knowing that he was putting me through as much mental anguish as he was physical.

Sheila looked extremely apprehensive but I knew that if I didn't do it, he would do something and I didn't want to find out what that was. "I'll be fine. Thank you for everything." I walked out of the room and continued until I got to his door all the way on the fourth floor. I probably took forever because I was so nervous, my legs felt like jelly trying to climb the stairs. I knocked but nothing happened. I waited a few moments in confusion. Wasn't he the one that wanted to see me? The door was unlocked so I continued inside and shut the door behind me.

His room was only lit by a small lamp next to his bed, the rest was in the shadows. I shuddered in fear as I pictured him waiting in the darkness. I walked further into to room only to feel something explode on my head sending me hurling to the floor. I luckily put my hands to take the impact or I would've hit my head again. Unfortunately, by my hands taking the impact, my wrists strained under my weight. Pain shot up my arms but I didn't feel any cracking so I didn't break them.

I groaned as my head throbbed in pain and I could feel the blood dripping onto the floor underneath me. I rolled over very carefully to see Damien standing there looking at me. "What the hell is going on with you and that bitch Sheila?!" I groaned again but I tried to sit up. I only got my head a couple inches off of the ground before becoming too dizzy and laying back down. I could feel my head pounding and I just wanted to sleep.

He must've got impatient because he growled and then grabbed me by my throat and hoisting me up. He slammed me into the back wall before growling "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HER!?" Even if I had a concussion, the alarm of the situation kept me from slipping into a deep, possibly fatal sleep. "Nothing! She just gave me another exam before lecturing me about telling the truth. The exam didn't show that he raped me!" He stared into my eyes, trying to decipher if I was telling the truth or not.

After a few agonizing minutes, he flashed me a triumphant but sinister smile. "I knew you were a whore." His claws ripped my clothes off before I could so much as whimper and threw me onto his bed. My head spun at the action but I still tried to crawl away.

Sadly, he grabbed my foot and hauled me back to the edge of the bed before dipping and covered my breast with his mouth. I could feel the stitches just put in start to pull and I prayed he wouldn't pop them. He grabbed my other in his hand and began kneading it brutishly. If I survived him, I would definitely need to get them re-stitched. I tried to wiggle away from him but he growled out a warning rendering me still. His hot mouth made its way down my body before reaching my core.

I was surprised that it was gentle but soon that gave way into viciously attacking my tender flesh, biting and pushing his fingers inside of me. I was sure that I was bleeding because I could feel his teeth had sharpened. I tried to ignore the pain but I couldn't stop the tears from rushing out of my eyes. I was trying to dull my senses but I couldn't get over the pain and I knew that this was only the start.

I tried to go blank and just go somewhere else in my mind but I couldn't, I was stuck in this moment to suffer with Damien's malicious actions. I felt him stand up and I could hear him taking off his clothes. I didn't want to look at him or his no doubt perfectly built body. I took deep breaths to ready myself for what was coming but I was taken completely by surprise when I felt something hit my skin.

I cried out and look up to see him smirking, naked, and with a flogger in his hand. I could see the long black straps of leather were tied by the ends. They would hurt much worse and probably cut into my skin. I should've known that he wasn't just going to get it over with, he was going to prolong my pain as much as he could. "Stay laying just like that. If you move, I'll make it hurt more. Do you understand?" I nodded my head and swallowed, trying to push the lump out of my throat.

I felt the long strands bite my skin as he hit me again. "I said do you understand? I don't hear nods." "Yes, Alpha." He smiled before walking around the bed. He stood near my head as he eased the flogger down to dangle and caress my skin. His member hung near my head and if I raised my face an inch or two, he would be touching me. This was some kind of power play and he was doing it on purpose. He held my eyes as his wrist jerked up and back down across my stomach. I let out a cry as it hit. His eyes darkened with lust and I could see him getting 'excited.'

As if my cry was some kind of signal, he began delivering me burning lashes. Each one was harsher and more painful than the last. I couldn't even cry out anymore because my voice had lodged in my throat. Each hit made me lurch forward and I hate to say, come in contact with 'him.' I couldn't think much of it because I was blinded with pain. The only sound in the room was the echo of leather slapping my skin and his persistent grunts of exertion.

After I couldn't take it anymore, I rolled over onto my side in which he growled and started flogging me with all of his might. That broke my silent spell and I started sobbing as loud as I could. I kept trying to avoid the hits but he eventually just held my head down into the bed and delivered them brutally while I laid there helplessly. After he tired of that, which was far too long, he walked back around pushed me onto my back. I hissed in pain as the bloodied lashes connected with the bed. "I told you not to move." He growled out.

Suddenly, he thrusted himself inside of me causing me to scream out. "Shut the fuck up!" He punched me causing my cheek to feel like it exploded. I held my cheek and cried with my eyes clenched tightly. He pumped in and out of me as hard as he possibly could, making it felt like he was breaking me in half and tearing me from the inside out. "You're so tight!" he groaned.

He held on to my hips because his thrusts were so powerful that I would be knocked across the bed otherwise. He pounded into me and slapping my bleeding breasts every now and then. He unexpectedly lifted me up and made me get on my knees while he drilled me from behind. I tried to hold my weight on my hands but my wrists wouldn't bear the weight so I ended up with a mouthful of bloody sheets. He smacked my ass a few times sending painful jolts throughout my body, causing me to scream into the sheets. He growled out before pushing me back on my back as if that position didn't suit him well enough.

I couldn't do anything but accept everything even though I regretted it. I shouldn't have played into his hands. I did exactly what he wanted me to by acting out on my fear, I let him control me once again. I should've just left when I was still in my room alone, I could've made it somewhere if I didn't try to pack anything. Or maybe left straight from Sheila's office. He was waiting for me in his room, he wouldn't have known I was gone and I could've ran at least a bit. Or maybe I should've just killed myself. Goddess knows how often I've wanted to. I had a good enough reason to but I knew Gerard didn't deserve it. I cried as hard as I could when I pictured Gerard's face. It made me want to die all the more.

After what felt like hours, his thrusts started to get more ragged before he finally stilled inside of me. I could feel him throbbing inside of me before he let out a long groan and filled me with his seed. He slumped on top of me with his face shoved into the crook of my neck and within a few seconds, he was out like a light. I tried to push him off but he just grabbed me and held me tighter. His loud snoring followed shortly after and I knew that I was stuck, laying there with him still inside of me.

My body started to scream in protest. I was still bleeding into his bedspread and my cheek started to swell causing my eye to slowly but surely shut. I laid like that for hours as he covered me with his body. This was officially the lowest part of my life and I hoped that when Damien woke up, he would rip my throat out.

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