10: How to Eat Iftar

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Bismillani rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

I know what you may think, "There's a guide to eating? But I can eat what I like!" Nope, that's where you're wrong. Eating iftar has its adab, its manners.

Allah gets it; you're hungry. He gave you all night to eat, but don't take too much advantage of it. Overeating makes you sick in the stomach and also makes you sleepy as well, since your body is working so hard to digest the feast you just ate. To break your fast, you only need three dates and a glass of water (drink in sips, not gulps). Then you pray Maghrib, to allow your stomach to prepare for the food coming directly after. Then you get to your actual meal.

When eating iftar, consider the fact that since your body has had nothing all day, it won't take in as much as you normally would. Plate a small portion of food; don't take the entire tray because you are more likely to throw it away than eat it. I've been to many iftar gatherings at my local masjid and the amount of waste that remains once everyone's finished is just unbelievable. Also, make an attempt to steer clear of fried foods like samosas and the likes, sodas and other fizzy drinks because they are not healthy, especially for a fasting person. Avoid raw onions and garlic if you are planning to go to the masjid. It can actually distract the person you are praying next to, especially during Taraweeh.

And that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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