27: Increase in Good

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Bismillahi rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Bismillahi rahmani raheemIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

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Shaytan is locked up, live through this month like so. Remember, even small deeds account for so much in the eyes of Allah. You never know which deed would be the reason you enter jannah.

Smile at a stranger, pick up trash, move things out of harm's way - anything will increase your scale of the Day of Judgement. Also, Ramadan is the time your deeds are multiplied up to seven hundred times than the rest of the year.

Sorry, I'm starting to realize that they're sounding a bit repetitive... I hope it's understandable because I can't really think of 30 entirely different topics. But, anyway, that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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