Chapter 1

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I'm Macy. I'm a 17 year old mixed teen. I have curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and perfectly manicured nails. My parents just sent me off to an all girls boarding school! You know why? Because I was having sex with Dan (yikes) ... My boyfriend. They totally freaked out, and sent me off here. This place is across a huge lake from the rest of civilization on the south east coast of the United States, and my home is California. So you can understand my frustration.

"My name is Macy." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I know." The blonde said. "I'm Beverly McKenna. I'm 17 years old, a junior, and I've been here since 7th grade, waiting for you. I'll be your roommate, and I'm showing you around." She said with an unwanted smile.

"Okay." I said not looking up from my phone. When I did look up she was directly in my face.

"Are you ready?" She smiled with her boobs pooping out of her white button up... WAIT! That sounded pretty gay... Well girls notice things like that.

"Yeah." I looked confusedly at her. We walked down a hallway and passed a lot of pretty girls. I was shocked that every single girl in that school was pretty. Then I remembered what Beverly had said. "Wait, what do you mean you were waiting for me? That makes no sense, we just met each other today." I followed closely, watching her short skirt rapidly flutter up and down.

"Don't worry about it." She said as she bent down to open up the door exposing her vs underwear. "This is our room. She said with stress on the 'our' as she pushed the door open.

"Haha, okay, next time you might wanna wear a longer skirt." I said dragging my luggage inside. "Which side is mine?"

"Oh you're so silly!" She laughed, "I love it. Oh um..." She walked into a room with a huge bed. "Well this is your closet, and all roommates share beds to promote better friendship and bonds." She walked over to me and pushed me on the amazing bed, then climbed over me to her side. "See! Don't you already feel closer to me?" She smiled while laying there.

"Uh yeah... Well aren't you going to show me around to the rest of the school?" I said still laying down.

        "OH! Yeah. We have the same schedule, so on Monday we'll walk to class together. Right now I guess I can show you the dining hall, lounge area, and... The last one is a surprise.

        "Fine, but can we make it quick, because I've been on a very long flight and I'm-" I was interrupted.

       "Tired, yeah I know, I am too." She smiled grabbing ahold of my hand. Sparks flew through my body as she gasped and released. "Sorry... Let's keep going."

We walked down the hall passing more hot- I mean cute girls. "You're kinda short for a 17 year old." I joked.

She giggled a lot before speaking, "your like 3 inches taller than me." She spoke continuing to laugh, "Okay. Here's the dining hall. This is where we eat all meals. But you can order food, but it would take half the day to get here." As we walked through everyone was hugging Beverly and seemed really excited about something. Then I followed her to the lounge area.

"So did you have a boyfriend before you came here?" I asked as I walked behind her coming up the steps. "I surely miss my boyfriend Dan."

She paused before speaking. When I looked at her, the expression was gone. "No. I came here when I was in 7th grade so I wasn't even thinking about boys...." Her perky personality came back. "But now I have you!.. For a friend." She smiled big.

"Yeah. I could use a friend." She dragged me over to the couch, where I plopped down like a sack next to a bunch of new faces. Since the area was filled Beverly took a seat... In my lap. "Comfortable?" I laughed.

She seemed pleased. "This is my new best friend Macy. And Macy this is the junior class!" Beverly smiled.

A brown girl with jet black hair flipped her bangs out of her face and smiled, "I'm Eleanor, I have the room across from yours, and I wanted to formally invite you to an exclusive get together. A kick back of sorts. Your 'friend' Beverly will be there." She said with a smirk and air quotes which I didn't get but that's okay.

"Awesome I'm always down for a party." I said while texting before Beverly snatched my phone.

"I forgot to put my number in your phone for If you ever need me." She put the information in then pushed the contact photo and flipped on the camera. "Wait... let's tuck this hair behind your ears so your face is in it."

I raised an eyebrow, "Isn't the picture supposed to be of you."

She giggled, "it's your phone you can do whatever you like." She scooted her butt to my knees so she could bend her head down, grab my neck, and kiss me in the corner of my mouth.

All of a sudden the background noise drowned out and I again felt that weird spark sensation. And I thought two things, 'wow this girl is bold and did I like that ?' But all I said was "okay."

Then she retaliated with, "Sorry I shocked you mace." All the girls in the lounge laughed but I didn't get the joke. "Okay we will see you guys later tonight ! It's time for our last destination." She stood up and grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up.

"Where to now ?" I tried to say enthusiastically but this day was just getting so confusing it was hard to focus quite honestly.

While still holding one hand and leading me down a hallway she smiled back at me, but not just with her mouth, with her eyes. "Macy? Do you trust me?"

I paused for a moment, "Well I just met you but I do trust you... I guess." I laughed a little.

"Okay good. We're going to the surprise place now. A place I love but also a place I can't wait to show you." When we got to the door she stopped abruptly making me bump into her. "Are you ready?" She whispered so closely to my face I could smell her cherry chapstick.

I -for unknown reasons- leaned in even closer and said, "you're hyping this up a lot so I hope it's pretty frickin amaze balls." She smiled and pushed the door open and behind her was a mini movie theater with 10 seats and a huge movie screen. "Wow. I'm actually impressed."

"Really?! I always come here when I need some alone time because no one knows about it really." She twiddle her fingers on her skirt while looking at her shoes.

I grabbed her hand, "Thank you for showing me this but can I ask you a question?"

She perked up and as usual she moved closer to me, "Yes of course ask me anything." Her eyes got big as she focused on my lips.

"I know you like to come here alone, so why'd you wanna show me?" I questioned.

"Oh silly." She said leading me to the door, "Yes I haven't told anyone else but I know that wouldn't mind being alone with you ever. Now how about we go get dressed for this party?"

       I stopped dead in my tracks, "But first we gotta go back to the room and take a tad sleep break. Okay?" I pleaded.

      "Yes mace." She said quietly with a cute teeth-less smile.

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