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Chapter Four


As Alfie talked about Andrew, I felt myself getting a little sad. This meant he was leaving me soon. This weekend, maybe. My best friend who had sat through me when I was at my best, and at my worst. The first time my heart was broken, the first days I was brought into the pack.

We sat and drank and talked for hours, like we usually did when we came here. I think the both of us knew that this could be the last time we'd do this together. If he left this weekend, I'd be on my own, and the endless hours of sitting at our special table would just be old memories.

The owner loved us, so after we paid for our original coffees, she refilled them countless time for no extra charge. Which meant we took several bathroom breaks, and were extremely high on caffeine by the end of the night.

My phone started ringing, so I picked it up without bothering to check the caller ID, as I was too distracted by Alfie making kissy faces at a religious woman. A woman who was currently shaking her cross at him and praying furiously under her breath.

"This is Cara-"

"Where the hell are you?" Dominic hissed. I dropped the phone onto the table in fear, hanging up immediately.

Alfie frowned skeptically, not needing to ask who called. "You said you weren't grounded."

"I'm not! He didn't say I wasn't allowed to leave, just that I had to be at dinner. I can't go back there, Alf. He's being psycho. Surely he's going to hurt me this time. You'll have to go back without me."

"Yeah, and get my butt kicked? No way. He won't hurt you. He likes you. Just bat those little eyes at him or flash your cleavage."

"That's dumb."

"Not as dumb as dropping something in front of a guy or causing trouble to get him to protect you," he claimed.

I snorted. "You're dumb."

"Watch out. If my man hears about that, you might be in trouble," Alfie teased me. "Let's get you back to your man, so he loses the knot in his panties."

// Later \\

I hid behind Alfie as we walked towards the house, where the King and his beta waiting for us. Dominic's growl rumbled towards us, making me shrink behind my friend further. I could hear Andrew snicker quietly, before telling Alfie to come over to him. Soon Dominic was dragging me out from behind my friend, my shield.

"We need to talk, princess."

"You have no reason to be mad at me, you know. You only said I had to be at dinner, nothing else!" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest, but refusing to look at him. I knew that once I did, my strength would die away.

Andrew smiled at Alfie and said something quietly, to which he blushed and nodded, and the two of them went inside to give us privacy.

Dominic's rigid face softened a little bit as he looked me up and down. "You look nice, sugar."

"Stop calling me that."

"I'll stop calling you that when you start following my rules," he claimed, pulling me around and pinning me against the side of the house, one of his hands resting beside my head as our chests nearly touched.

"What're you doing?" I whispered. But I knew in this position, I didn't have the confidence to stand up to him.

"I've spoken to your Alpha. I've decided it isn't right that you act so disrespectful to those who've taken you in. So I want to take you with me and teach you properly," he explained darkly. "I've been looking for a little maid to keep around. Help me with my chores, entertain me..."

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