Thirty Nine

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*A/N: Well I just had a Mike's Hard Lemonade so here I am finishing this chapter and uploading it.  To power me through my light-weight phase, I am listening to the new Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again soundtrack(mostly Waterloo, Why Did It Have to Be Me?, and Name of the Game). 

Am I drunk? I don't think so but I'm ready for a nap. So here's your chapter! No worries, the majority of it was written before I started drinking. 

Only a couple chapters more after this. I always struggle at this part of a book because I suck at finishing things. 




Two days later, Dominic couldn't even be in the same room as me without the pain, heat, and arousal being so high that I was almost brought to tears.

All I could do was lay curled up on the bed in the fetal position and pray for it to end soon. I was one day past the average heat and was hoping this was the worst day, which meant that it would all taper off after this.

Even knowing that Dom couldn't come in and that I had been the one to decide he was no longer allowed, I was bored and lonely. All I could do was mope in bed.

So when the bedroom door opened in the early afternoon, I was puzzled, but not enough to lift my head. It wasn't Dominic, as I would have smelled him approaching and jumped his bones the second the door handle turned, but the scent had some form of familiarity to it. Assuming it was a member of the pack delivering food or clean clothing, I didn't move.

"God, you smell awful."

My head shot up, gaping at my best friend. "Alf?!"

He stood in the doorway with his smug grin, arms crossed over one of his stylish t-shirts. Without thinking, I sprinted to embrace him, bursting into sobs as I did. "I've missed you!" I cried. "How are you? Are they treating you good over there? How's Andrew? If he's ever hurt you, I'll smother him-"

Alfie carefully pushed me to stand about two feet away from him. "Listen, Cara. I love you, and you're my best friend, but this smell is killing me. I have never experienced such an intense heat. How did that happen?"

I shrugged. "If you think it smells bad, imagine what my body is going through right now and me trying to fight it," I scoffed. "All I can think about is sex. Which is why Dominic wasn't able to escort you up here. But he probably already explained. Why are you here, anyway?"

Alfie shoved his hands in his pockets and strolled around the bedroom, examining it curiously until he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "Zara advised Dom that you needed some support. Plus, Andrew is going to watch over the Challenge. Essentially be the referee. But I missed you too much to let him come by himself."

"Thank you for coming," I said sincerely. "I don't feel like I deserve it."

Aflie's eyes softened before he rolled them playfully. "You weirdo, you think you can get rid of me that easy? One stupid fight?" He snorted. "You'll have to try harder than that. Though that stench is quite the repellent."

I smacked his arm. "I thought you were here to make me feel better, you big meanie."

"You don't like to be babied. I know you, Cara, and I know you'd rather me take your mind off of what's going on. Even as hard as it probably is. So. Let's have a movie night and gossip for old time sakes," Alfie declared, pulling on me to lay next to him on the bed.

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