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I hate how this chapter turned out. I'm sorry, guys. 


Since that last little comment, I hadn't spoken to him or even looked him in the eye. What the hell was he thinking, saying something like that? And what did he expect me to say? I sure as hell wasn't going to submit so easily.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, sugar," Dominic said, following me closely as I walked through the gentle waves that lapped at the sand. "But sex is something we're going to have to be comfortable talking about with each other. We will have to complete the mating soon and-"


I could hear him sigh deeply. "Don't start up now. We were doing pretty good today."

"I don't want to have sex with you. You think because I haven't yelled at you in six hours suddenly I'll let you get into my panties? I'm sorry, Dominic, but no," I told him. "Don't act like I ruined the mood. You got too ahead of yourself."

"I hate that phrase. I don't want to just get in your pants, Caroline. Making love is more than that. It's passionate and tender and-"

My hands clapped over my ears. "Stop! I don't care, Dominic. Please, just stop."

His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he kissed my hands. "I'll stop, okay? But look at me." I hesitantly obeyed, frowning up at him. "You mean much more to me than just sex. I don't want you to second guess my intentions just because of the comment I made back there. You just have to know that the mating will have to be completed soon."

"How soon?"

"Within the next two weeks."

That night, my sleep was riddled with nightmares. One of Dominic forcing me into the mating, one of me getting stuck in that be me drowning. But the most bone-chilling was the one of my parents.

I was reliving everything of their murder. From the first time we spotted the wolves, to when I was drenched in their blood and sobbing over their bodies. I hadn't had the dream in years, when it used to be a nightly occurrence. And you'd think after all this time, I'd be used to it and wouldn't wake up gasping for air.

But I did. It woke Dominic up too. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked worriedly. "What happened?"

I looked down at myself, half expecting there to be blood soaking my clothes still. But I was okay, I was clean and none of it had happened again.

"You're crying," He mumbled, still sounding sleepy but concerned. "What was the nightmare?"

All I could do was shake my head, climbing out of the warm and comfortable bedding, wiping my wet cheeks hurriedly. "Cara, where are you going?"

"I just need a walk," I replied.

The bed shifted as he followed after me, making me pause and pout at him. "Dominic-"

"Just talk to me," he murmured, cupping my lower back to pull my body against his. He was only in a pair of boxers, a fact that made me very uncomfortable. "Tell me about it."

"I don't want to. Okay? I just can't. I need a breather, some space-"

Dominic still held me tightly, kissing my forehead repeatedly. "I hate it when you do this. This is your problem, Caroline. You're scared to admit to yourself and others that you aren't as strong as you seem. You hate your weaknesses and being helpless, having to rely on someone," he insisted. "You really need to get over it."

SugarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora