[12.] Chilling Discoveries

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to @Ese_hearts_dogs. Thanks love your comments❤❤❤
You most definitely made my day☺.

So guys I need your help. If you would please suggest some pet names or endearments I could use that Alex could address Samantha with I would be very grateful☺☺


Alex's P.O.V

If anyone would have asked me how I would have preferred Sammy to see my naked state, it would have been in a totally different scenario than the one that happened a few moments ago. I would have her lying beneath me in her naked glory while I enjoyed my view towering on top of her in bed as I explored every inch of her body.

I imagined the sight of how her soft skin would look like as the dimmed lights radiated on her. How it would feel like to finally taste her skin. Or how it would feel like to have her run her small fingers through my hair.

I imagined how her long black raven hair would cover my sheets as the sounds of her soft moans echoed around the room.

But never in a f*cking million years did I ever think she would see me naked in a situation like the one that just passed. Don't get me wrong, I know that my body would bring any girl in this world to her knees. But swear I would have never pictured it would happen in this manner.

And because of that, she ruined everything. I had finally gathered enough courage to get out the bathroom to try to convince her so she can act like my girlfriend without her finding out my true plan. But nooooo.... She just had to ruin that.

The whole thing just threw me off guard. I walked out expecting to find her either sitting on my bed or she had left the room or something. Yet instead, I found her pacing the room back and forth while she kept on repeating her 'mantra' that I am the enemy.

Seriously? The enemy?

I have been called lots of names before but never have I been called 'the enemy'. That just had to be the first. Although the whole scene was hilarious it was quite cute too. Thus bringing us to our fall. How you ask?

It partly may be my fault because I may have startled her because she seemed like she had not noticed that I had entered the room. Which led her to spin faster than anything I have ever seen. And because I was not paying much attention, I didn't calculate my movements when I decided to run and try prevent her fall.

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