[23.] Losing you

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Samantha's P.O.V


I lazily opened my eyes in the middle of the night as stared at the dark ceiling while flashes of what happened flooded my head. Memories of Alex pleasuring me and driving me into depths of ectasy that I have never explored.

Absentmindedly, I find myself trailing my finger down my bare chest as I closed my eyes trying to feel the way it when Alex touched me there.

I turned my head and saw Alex laying next me fast asleep. Losing myself again I stared at his features while I ran a finger down his perfectly sculpted jaw.

I rested my head on the pillow as I continued to stare at his resting face. How is it that he looks so relaxed and young now? Not in a million years would I have said he looked like the mighty Alex Waters who is uptight and tense.

Not in a million years.


"Samantha! Samantha! Wake up."

"Urgh! Five more minutes I swear. I'll up and everything." I groggily respond to this demon force trying to part me from my cherished slumber.

"If you don't get up in the next three seconds, I swear I will take you across my knee and spank you." So Alex is the demon.

Ohhhhhh you have no idea who you are messing with. I am not the nicest person once woken up.

"One. Two. Three. There. I'm still in bed." Realisation kicks in.

Oh shit! I'm screwed.

"You know what, stay in bed actually. Do whatever it is that you please."

Say what?

"Uh I'm sorry what?" I quickly sit up straight and hold the covers so I cover up my chest.

Alex continues to dress himself up in his dress shirt and grabs his phone from the charger. Completely ignoring me.



"Why are you acting like this? I mean you aren't the most cheerful person in the world, but you are acting weird." It just doesn't make sense.

"Weird how Samantha?" He snaps.

"Did I miss something here or are you still mad?" I wrapped the bed sheet around me and walked up to him.

I thought this whole thing was done with. I mean he did torture me last night but we were supposed to move past it.

"Don't tell me you are those girls who want to cuddle all day after sex. Because if that's what you want, I am not the guy for you. I don't do that so you better get used to it."

Am I being punked?

"What? I swear to God I hope I am dreaming. I should have f*cking known. But no no no Samantha. You just had to throw caution out the window huh. The prick did ruin everything you had but you still fell for the act.

Bravo Alex! Bravo! So tell me... What happens next? You throw me a couple of hundred dollar bills and throw me out right? I mean that's what you wanted from the beginning right? A challenge? A girl who wouldn't be so easy like your random h*es right?"

"Samantha." He warns.

"What! What Alex? You know what? I'm done with this. Whatever this is. It's pretty evident that you just wanted to screw the girl who fell blindly for your trap. Just another girl on the hit list Alex." I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I slid down and cried as the tears stained my cheeks. I can't believe I fell for it. I fell hard. Last night he was mad I get it and he punished me I get that. But he cared for me. He carried me up the stairs and laid me down on the bed gently.

He even held me tight as we slept and I felt protected. Safe. Was that all just an act too. An act just so he can hurt me more than he has before. So he can break me until the shattered pieces can't even be put back together again. Was that it?

Hiccups start taking over me as I wrapped my arms around my legs.

My tears start streaming further down and start dripping off my chin as I hear shuffling from the outside. I can hear him stuff papers in his briefcase and locking it.

He isn't even bothered by the fact that I am crying because of him. He didn't even try to run after me when I ran into the bathroom. He didn't even flinch.

No. I will not just seat here and cry like a pathetic person. I stood up and wiped my face as I unlocked the door and walked up to him.

He didn't even looked concerned. Just his tense expression which he always has.

Not in hell will I let you hurt me and get away with it you scum. The next thing I know is I slapped him hard with the back of my hand.

He simply rubbed his jaw, grabbed his briefcase and phone and walked out without a word or a second glance.


Okay okay..... Feel free to hate me for this but hey it was bound to happen.

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