[17.] Revenge (Part one)

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Alex's P.O.V

Pulling away from Samantha yesterday was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. My whole body wanted to fuck her senseless. Fuck her so hard she would have a limp in her walk.

The thought of how sexy she would look as she threw her head back with her hair cascading down her back as she screamed my name while I pounded in her was overwhelming.

But I couldn't let myself. There was something about having her like that that changed my perspective. From the beginning having sex with a girl was just sex.

Nothing special. Just two people finding pleasure from the other. But with Samantha something was different.

It felt right. It felt like that feeling you get when you finally get what you were searching for. Something that completes you. Something that felt so right that everything you thought you knew changed.

I wanted to have her like this every single day but not when she is just doing it because its pleasuring her but because she loves that I am the one giving her the pleasure.

I want her to have the same feeling that I felt when we back at the kitchen. I want her to want me like I desperately want her. Like me like I extremely like her.

But that just seems close to impossible because of the way I started things. She probably hates my guts and wants nothing to do with me.

That practically is my fault because I was such an arrogant jackass that I tried to keep my feelings hidden by hurting her.

I probably do deserve it. Maybe it's karma coming back at me because of all the hearts I broke. A comeback that would make me feel exactly what I made all those girls feel. The pain of having someone you desperately want but will never be yours.

I took another glance at Samantha as she smiled while texting someone in her phone.

"Who are you texting?" I just couldn't let go of the thought that someone else was making her smile like that and I couldn't.

"I think the word you are looking for is sexting Mr Waters."

The fuck!

I grabbed her phone so I could see who would dare sext what's mine and when I looked at her phone my blood boiled.

"Samantha who the fuck is this?" I turned her phone around so she would see her screen.

"It's none of your damn business so give me back my phone because it's all I have that you haven't taken away from me." She replied when she tried to snatch it away from me.

"Don't you dare try to change the subject here. Who the fuck is this Samantha?"

"It's Liam."


"Why is he fucking sexting you!" I can't believe this. She is seated right in front of me and she is sexting a guy after what we did just mere twenty four hours ago.

"Again it's none of your business Mr Waters. If you will excuse me, I'm going to get myself some coffee." She stood up to leave my office.

"Oh no you don't! Get your ass back here right now." I easily grabbed her wrist and spun her around so she could face me.

"You are going to let me go before I hurt you." She said as she tried to move my hand of her.

"The only one who will be getting hurt is this Liam guy if you don't tell in the next five seconds why he is sexting you!" My whole body is shaking because of rage.

"Alex stop it!" She said.

"Tell me! Now!" I yelled.

"He is my boyfriend okay! He is my boyfriend." She said and I unconsciously took a step back.


Okay guys it's a short chapter because the second part is still in the making. I hope you like it. Share the book. Recommend it!!!!


Thanks loves.


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