ONE: New coach

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☀︎︎Kimmy's P.O.V ☀︎︎


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Today was a perfect day to go ice skating before I had to attend hockey practice with my sister, Constance 'Connie' Moreau, and all of our friends. Hockey wasn't my first choice of sport but my older sister and best friend, Charlie Conway, bugged me enough to try it out and join the team.

"Bye! Connie can you bring my hockey stuff to practice?!" I asked, yelling as I walked to the front door of our creaky house, slinging my figure skates over my shoulder.

"Yes, I'll get you before practice and bring your stuff, but you owe me. I literally do it all of the time!" Connie yelled back, her voice echoing from whenever she was in the house.

"Okay, okay." I replied, a giggle slipping through my lips.

Our mom then came from the kitchen, coming up to me at the front door. She grabbed my face and pecked my forehead, making me slightly groan and rub at the placed she had kissed. My mother rolled blue her eyes but smiled down at me, our almost color matching eyes gleaming at each other, "Have fun, but be careful out there. I love you."

I gave her a quick hug, "I will. I love you too." I moved away from her before pushing open our front door with a groan as the cold air slapped me in the face, I was quite used to being cold all of my life at this pointe. I ran down our porch stairs, my hand wrapped around my ice skate strings.

After walking a couple of blocks away from our family home, I stuffed my small hands into the pockets of my jacket, kicking random pebbles as I continued with my familiar journey, heading to the discrete pond that no one else usually goes too so I liked to call it 'My Spot'.

It's really nice going there in the winter to skate but when it's spring, the once frozen lake comes back to life and I come down here to sit on the dock and dip my toes into the warm water. It's a place I like to go to escape in my own thoughts or draw and journal, knowing I won't be disturbed by anyone. It was honestly really nice spot to go all year around. The only people who had known about it was my big sister, my best friend and my parents of course.

As I neared my way to the pond, I couldn't help but think about my dad, one of my most favorite people in the whole world. He's currently on a business trip for the last two weeks and should be back sometime next week, I couldn't wait to see him because I was starting to miss him dearly, it's weird without him around. Our family feels uneven whenever he has to be gone and I never really liked it, but I knew it's what he had to do.

I eventually saw My Spot come into view, my excitement rising under my skin. I loved ice skating with an extreme passion, I've doing it ever since I was little so I was pretty good from what I hear from other. As soon as I started walking, mom put Connie and I into figure skating classes together. I was the only Moreau daughter who actually enjoyed the cold of the ice, making my way up on the team and loving every second of it, until the figure skating days suddenly came to an end and that's when I joined the Peewee hockey team with my sister.

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