SEVEN: Like losers

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⚠︎︎WARNING: mention of suicide⚠︎︎   

☀︎︎Kimmy's P.O.V☀︎︎


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I was sitting on the wooden benches in the locker room with Charlie while we were getting our gear on for another game today. I looked around the locker room and saw Terry, Jesse, and Peter standing with their arms crossed as they lightly kicked at their hockey equipment that laid lifelessly on the ground.

My eyebrows furrowed, "Why aren't you guys getting ready?" I asked them, they glanced over at me before shaking their heads and not giving me an answer. I scoffed, "Okay then," I shrugged before continuing to pull on my hockey gear, the door opened and in walked coach.

"Why aren't you guys getting ready?" Coach repeated, staring at the three boys who only glared at him. I stared at them with a confused look on my face, what's up with them?

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Coach announced, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention. I took a sip of my water as we all listened to our coach, "I got some good news, we are getting a new player! Adam Banks," I chocked on the water and coughed, trying to get air back into my lungs. My heart fluttered at his name and the phone call my mom had last night came back into mind. Charlie patted me on the back to try and help me to stop coughing.

Connie's eyes immediately found mine, "What?!" Everyone complained, my sister gave me a look, she knew that I liked the boy.

"But he's a Hawk! Egh!" Dave whined.

"He's a good player!" Coach defended.

"Everybody hates him!" Jesse jeered and I didn't stop myself from lightly glaring at the side of his head. Everyone else agreed with his statement except for me.

"I'm the coach and I say we do need him! If we make it to the playoffs, he can help us play!" Coach informed, shaking his head.

"If? You don't think we're good enough!" Dave exclaimed.

"Yeah, he thinks we're losers!" Peter said, standing up from his seat and my attention shot to him. "Yeah, that's what he told Coach Riley." I put my head on Charlie's shoulder upset.

"What?" Coach breathed.

"Come on, we heard what you said." Peter continued, "You said 'we were losers'! And that 'we didn't deserve to live'!" He repeated, raising his voice.

I picked my head off from Charlie's shoulder and looked at coach in disbelief. I heard someone hold back a sob and saw that it was my sister, I stood from the bench and sat next to Connie while she wrapped her arm around me and she buried her face in my shoulder.

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