2 // "I will say this Nathan, I am very, very, very impressed"

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Blessing is standing stark naked, gazing at Nathan's tanned chiselled body in the mirror in shock and disgusted awe. Every now and again she checks the door to make sure she's definitely locked; there's nothing worse than having one of Nathan's dick head friends catch her naked. Well – Nathan at least. Wiggling her hips, Nathan's penis wiggles flaccidly in between his legs and she cringes but can't help wiggling the penis again. This time she laughs. Growing confident, Blessing decides to jump and she begins laughing as the penis jerks loosely with her motions.

A knock on the door startles her and she hastily throws on some boxers before asking who it is? For the fifth time that day, she says she's feeling ill and whatever idiot was at the door trundles away much to her relief. Running her fingers through Nathan's rather soft wavy hair, Blessing gazes around the near empty room wondering what she should do. It's now been a couple of hours and she's failed to make any attempt of talking to Nathan thanks to her own friends and he for some odd reason hasn't made contact with her. Her phone isn't even her phone and her laptop isn't hers either so she feels locked out of not only her own body, but the world.

Meanwhile, Nathan is running up and down the small flat in a frenzy, muttering to himself, wondering what should happen. However, he finds Blessing's rather ample sized breasts rather distracting and can't help placing his hands on them and squishing them. It also shocks him to know he can close his legs without feeling some sort of pain and discomfort. He cannot use Blessing's phone or laptop and begins panicking at the thought of attending her boring lectures and seminars. If it's not a dream, then there must be a cure.

"Someone give me Blessing's number!" Nathan bursts out startling Lana who's sitting on the kitchen table, watching Blessing's crazed episode as she eats her sandwich,

"You mean your number which is in your phone?" Lana says incredulously furrowing her brows. Patting the jean skirt, Nathan pulls out Blessing's phone and shakes it furiously,

"This is useless to me!" He says angrily, tempted to smash the floor onto the floor. Rolling her eyes, Lana takes a bite of her sandwich,

"By the way, and I don't mean this in a judgmental way, but what are you wearing?" Lana asks attempting to supress a laugh. Outstretching his arms, Nathan looks down slightly embarrassed, he'd thrown on a denim skirt and a blue shirt unaware of what he looked like, "don't worry darling, you look marvellous!" Lana says sarcastically as she takes another bite out of her sandwich.

Huffing, Nathan says he'll be back and storms out of the flat and across the hallway. He knocks a little too hard on the door and much to his delight, Sam's dark animated face smiles down at him,

"Oh my god Sam!" He says relieved as he throws his arms across his broad waist,

"Jesus Blessing, when did I become your number one fan?" Sam laughs surprised at Blessing's sudden warmth. Nathan drops his arms realising to Sam that he's not what he looks like. Frustrated and exasperated, Nathan thunders into the flat and knocks hard on his own bedroom door,

"Don't bother, he's been locked up in his room all day," Sam explains before disappearing into his own room,

"Open the door, it's me!" Nathan yells and he chokes when a high female voice slips out. He hears furious padding on the floor before his door is unlocked and his own face pokes through. Blessing ushers him in and he gazes around his room suspiciously but much to his delight nothing has been altered. Not yet anyway,

"I've realised that until we've figured out what the hell is going on, we need to be each other," Nathan says confidently, placing his hands on Blessings wide rounded hips as he paces up his room, "therefore, for the first time in my life, as great as this pains me, we need to help one another," he finishes, getting to his window and gazing out onto the view of the town. Sighing heavily, Blessing stands beside Nathan and they both gaze out into the view of the dual carriageway and high street,

"The view from your room is shit," Nathan comments which angers Blessing and she pushes him a little too hard causing him to fall to the ground, "You crazy bitch! Don't forget this is your body you're hurting," Nathan spits rubbing his pained elbow. Folding her arms across her chest, Blessing apologises,

"I'm so sorry that my beautiful body has to endure being inhabited by a dick head of a male," Blessing says sincerely, gazing longingly at her own body. Clapping her hands together, Blessing startles both her and Nathan. Gingerly placing her hands by her side she states,

"We're going to have to do this properly then. You and I need to give each other tips and advice on how to be each other. It shouldn't be too hard for me because I'll just be a dick head-," Blessing rambles absent minded. Nathan interjects appalled defending that he is not a dick head but Blessing is merely a spiteful bitch. Blessing is tempted to push Nathan over but realises in doing so she'll hurt her own body. Nathan smiles up sarcastically knowing that Blessing won't do any harm to him nor her body. They both glower at one another for a couple of seconds, seizing each other up,

"How about later tonight, we bring each other little guides on how to be each other and work from there?" Blessing suggests folding her arms across her chest, baffled at the idea of trying to pretend to be Nathan. Nathan himself nods his head in agreement and they glower at one another,

"Well, looks like I'm going to have to go back to your shitty apartment, with your shitty friends," Nathan explains, awkwardly flicking Blessing's fake hair. Unfortunately, his finger gets caught between the strands and he yanks it out viciously nearly knocking his head against a shelf. Blessing groans watching Nathan's debacle and she prays that by the time they wake up they'll have returned to their normal lives.

Nathan slips into the flat quietly as to avoid talking to any of Blessing's friends and immediately grabs a pen and paper and begins writing ferociously, in detail, how Blessing should carry herself. On the other hand, Blessing locks the door and removes her clothes and begins wiggling her body and jumping up and down and chortling to herself. With one hand on the hip, Blessing gazes admiringly at Nathan's body and says to his reflection,

"I will say this Nathan, I am very, very, very impressed."


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