18 // "The Defence Will Leave You In Shreds"

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Nathan sits on the edge of bed the whilst Lana clears away Blessing's belongings littered on the floor. For the first time in weeks, his mind is empty and he's devoid of any emotion, confused as to what he is doing in Blessing's room. Sometime after the incident -an incident which he calls it- since it technically wasn't his body that was subject to such humiliation and pain, he couldn't sleep and kept seeing the dark shadows emerge from the dark corners. He took to knocking on Lana's door at 2am in the morning when the he felt like the fright would consume him. Her warm small body comforted him,

"Don't worry Blessing, it may not seem like it now, but you'll be fine. I'll make sure of it," Lana would whisper into the darkness as he struggled against sleep. One time, he uttered into the air when they should go to the police and was met with an uncanny silence from Lana,

"Babe, it's nearly been a week," she said softly, stroking the arm but Nathan remained confused which Lana sensed, "they won't be able to do anything; it would be your word against theirs," Lana continued. Furrowing the brow, Nathan's discomfort grew as the conversation wore on,

"What about the evidence?"

"I threw away you ripped crop top and bleached and washed your hot pants. There is no more evidence bar the really, really faint bruises. But they could've come from anywhere," Lana continued, twisting her body in the darkness to face Nathan,

"You know where those bruises came from!" Nathan snapped, surprised at Lana's reluctance to support his plan of going to the police,

"I do but do they? Like I said, they could've come from anywhere," Lana explained softly and Nathan felt her softy minty breath on the face and he let out a languid sigh before saying in a weak voice,

"We can fish the top out of the bin and show it to them. It'll still have their DNA on there," however Nathan already knew that Lana had a rebuttal to his proposal,

"Could've come from anywhere. Plus they'll only do DNA testing when they think they have a case that has a high chance of prosecution," Lana reached out her fingers in the darkness and began stroking the cheek. Startled at first, Nathan relaxed and welcomed Lana's warm fingers on the face and wanted to melt into her body and this bed and remain there forever,

"Hypothetically speaking we actually made it to court then what?" Nathan snuggled closer into Lana who wrapped her arms tightly around the equally small body,

"The defence will leave you in shreds...why were you wearing a crop top and hot pants when it was getting dark? Why were you walking alone when it was getting dark?-," Lana paused to lick her lips, "-then they'll question your sexual history. You've slept with half the uni, in fact, you've had sexual contact with two of the boys in question so how can they-," Lana's voice faltered as she felt the body shuddering with the tears springing from the eyes, "I don't know why you're asking me these questions, you should already know this," Lana finished as Nathan fell asleep.

"I haven't seen Blessing in two weeks," Nathan mumbles out loud causing Lana to pause mid-way from picking a shirt from the floor,

"You-you are Blessing," Lana points out with a perplexed expression on her face. A wry smile paints itself on the face and Nathan slides of the bed and picks up some leggings and a loose baggy top,

"I'll be right back," Nathan explains, as he steps out of the room and heads down the hallway to his own apartment. As he knocks on his own front door, he wishes that he had a knife so he could peal back this skin and disintegrate into the air so that he never existed.

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