5 // "Nathan Wonders Why Blessing's Friends Are Both Weird And Annoyingly Loud"

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It's been five days, 6 hours and 33 minutes since the body swap and Nathan has left Blessing's seminar bored, tired and hungover. Unsurprisingly, Blessing's friends seemed more tolerable -borderline fun- when he was drunk but he got the shock of his life when he realised that tiny Blessing's body quickly falls off the edge of the earth after a couple of shots. His affection however has grown for Lana since she did his make-up and helped him dress Blessing's tiny but curvy body. At least I'm in a banging body, Nathan mused to himself.

The way people treated him in the club was different, he realised he didn't need to spend much money since various boys were willing to buy him drinks but there were some downfalls. Boys attempted to kiss him without him even saying so, they would randomly appear behind him and start grinding themselves up against him, at various points of the night he was scolded by Blessing's friends for leaving his drinks to the side or not paying attention enough. The bodies crushed and suffocated him and he wondered with a panic for a split second how Blessing even manages being a little ant in this rainforest. Nevertheless, through blurry eyes, he slurred with a mouth full of lamb kebab and salad that he'd had a great night and thanked Lana especially.

He enters the hallway and starts towards his own flat before realising that he's not in his own body. Growling, he turns on the heels and enters the flat gingerly peaking around to make sure no-one is around. Relieved, Nathan makes his way into the kitchen and begins whipping up an egg sandwich. He is fairly content with Blessing's diet which, despite being in smaller quantities, is similar to his own.

Settling down on the kitchen table, Nathan gazes adoringly at the egg sandwich and opens the mouth to bite down when he hears Blessing's name being shrilled at a high pitch. He's never realised how in demand Blessing is and now turns sub-consciously to anything that mildly resembles her name. Lana saunters in and moves around noisily before settling just as loudly on the kitchen table and begins chatting away. Nathan watches through narrowed tired eyes the way Lana's lips move around and a small smile creeps around his lips as he thinks about how they'd feel around his penis.

Unexpectedly, Lana slaps Nathan on the forehead with the palm of her hand and he scoffs in surprise,

"What on earth was that for?" Nathan cries out gripping his sandwich tighter,

"You're not even listening to me!" Lana slams her palms down onto the table and pouts theatrically. Biting down on his sandwich, Nathan mumbles for Lana to start again and she huffs, folding her arms across her chest before she begins talking once more. The words that tumble out of her mouth cause Nathan to chew in much slower more thoughtful way,

"I'm assuming we've spoken about this quite a few times," Nathan states raising the eyebrow. Furrowing her brows, Lana nods her head and tears begin pricking into her eyes,

"Sometimes I wish I was like you. All your confidence and your sass, you know how to stand up to boys who treat you bad or without respect. Not mention you always have their attention." Lana says quietly. She sighs heavily and gloomily gazing at the kitchen table. Nathan might be the prince of dicks but he knows what damage those destructive mind sets have and he places his sandwich down onto the plate,

"You're more special than you think! Besides you don't need boys' attention to know that," Nathan says firmly, grasping Lana's hand and squeezing it firmly. Looking up, Lana gives him a small smile before declaring that she's going to go do some more work,

"Aren't you supposed to be at your lecture?" Lana asks pushing her chair in. Nathan shrugs the shoulders blasé and mumbles something about being having a headache and needing sleep. Lana starts for the door but before she leaves she turns and states,

"I've noticed you've been talking to Nathan a lot more lately. If that means you've forgiven him for what he did to you and made you feel I'm happy for you."

Dropping his sandwich, Nathan swirls the chunk in his mouth and realises that the egg is making him feel ill and so desperately wants to sleep. He's nearly forgotten what he'd done to blessing 2-3 years ago and a wave of guilt washes over him. He's fucked so many girls over but he was her first, both emotionally and physically and doesn't blame her for the icy reception.

He'd always been the shy lanky kid since nursery, outcast by the other children as strange and unearthly but he got used to solitude. This all continued until the summer of Year 10 when puberty began kicking in, he bulked up, grew taller and his sparkled when attention began swimming in from all directions. His group of friends were questionable when he thinks about it but back in that time and world that's the best that it's going to get. You don't know how to act any better; it's true what they say, friends are the biggest influence so you must choose them wisely.

At the time Blessing seemed an easy target and to a degree she was but he actually ended up liking her until he was immature and showed her picture to his friends and so forth. As stated, at the time and world, it didn't seem to matter what her reaction was because there were so many more girls vying for her attention but now that he's older he realises how humiliating and upsetting it must've been for her. He even remembers the last conversation they had,

"Do you love your family?" Nathan nodded his head, "so why do you care so much about what other people are saying?" He shrugged his shoulders realising the truth behind her words.

"When I was younger at parent's evening, all the kids would ask why my mum and dad were brown and why I was white," Nathan explained while she was laying on my chest, "I'd never thought of it before but the minute that was said I began noticing and couldn't' stop noticing," He explained in a soft tone., "I even asked my mum once in Year 5 to take off her hijab and be normal like all the other mum's because I was so confused and embarrassed," He chuckled softly at myself.

Nathan is snapped out of his thoughts when Tom opens the front door noisily and begins singing out of tune. He greets him cheerily before detailing his massive hangover,

"I'm surprised you didn't pull," he adds towards the end but Nathan shrugs his shoulders before pushing the egg sandwich away from him. How is he going to possibly explain the unofficial competition between him and Blessing has come to a halt?

"Guess what I got-," Tom says excitedly and slams a pack of 6 pork sausages onto the table next to Nathan, "-your favourite!" he slaps his hand onto the table. Furrowing the brow, Nathan wonders why Blessing's friends are both weird and annoyingly loud,

"I don't eat pork," he says shoving the pack of sausages away from him. Outstretching his arms confused, Tom enquiries further,

"I'm mus-," Nathan begins but shuts his mouth and puts the mouth in a tight line before opening his mouth and explaining he's just had lunch. Tom chortles loudly to himself,

"Where you about to say you are a Muslim? Mate, Blessing, you couldn't even go a week without sausages and bacon," Tom laughs heartily to himself before going to the drawers and taking out a pan, "I'll cook the sausages and I'll leave them on the side for you to have later," he explains pouring oil into the pan.

Scraping back his chair, Nathan straightens out Blessing's dress before walking quietly out of the kitchen but before he leaves Tom says,

"On the pork note, are you going to join ISIS too?" He bursts out laughing causing a fuel of anger to erupt in his bones,

"Go fuck your mum Tom," Nathan spits rolling his eyes. Not only are Blessing's friends weird and loud but islamophobic.   

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