Chapter 12

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Bruce's P.O.V ;)

Why am I doing this? Why? I don't want to do this. Ugh Vic you're so going to pay. I think this is going to hurt her, than make her mad.

I'm walking towards Steph in 7th period with a spider in a little clear box. It's the next day, and Vic found out that Steph is terrified of spiders. I mean terrified. I don't know how Vic finds these thing out. He just does. He found out that I like to watch Disney movies when I'm just bored and the guys are not around. I don't know how he found out but he did and he made fun of me. Fûck him. He can go suck an ass.

Anyway, when Vic told Dylan to go find a spider for Steph, Andrew was getting pissed, like he even threw a fist towards Vic, but of course Vic stopped his hand and told him to fûck off it's just a prank. I think he likes her. I don't know, I don't know how that boy works.

Anyway here goes nothing.

"Steph." I said tapping her shoulder.

"What?" She said while turning around with a questionable look.

"I have something for you, so ugh close your eyes and don't open till I tell you." She looked at me weird but I gave her a blank face so she did it anyway. And then I grabbed the spider and placed it on her hand.(it's a tarantula)

"Okay. Open."

"Ok." She did and she looked at her hand. Her eyes became huge like a deer caught in headlights.

"Is-is  t-th-that  a-a  sp-sp-spi"

"Spider? Yes it is. It's cool huh?" I said while I looked at the spider and then touched its back.

"W-why Is t-th-there a spider on my hand?" She said with shaky hands.

"Because don't you love spiders?" I said while I looked back up at her eyes.

"NO!AHHHHHHH OMG I HAT-" she didn't get to finish because she fainted. SHE FÛCKIN FAINTED!

"Fûck. Ugh ok. Ugh. Um. Huh. Let me call Andrew because he would know what to do."


"Andrew. We have a problem."

"What do you...mean...?"

"Ugh. Stephkindafaintedinthehallwaynexttomy7thperiodclassandhowdidyouanswer?"


Well I can't actually leave her here, so I guess I can pick up the spider.

I bent down and grabbed the spider in the box, and just looked at Steph. She looks kinda funny. She has her mouth open with hair in her mouth and her hands are out like a star. She is totally like Andrew. Ugh they would look great as a couple, but I think they are going to be already because of how they act together. Nervous.

I heard loud footsteps coming down the hall.

"WHERE IS SHE!" I heard Andrew say while running towards where we were at.

Ha. He sounds like batman. Only if Dylan was here.

Andrew picked Steph up and ran to the nurses office. I swear he's like going to be an over protective parent. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk towards the front doors. I mean I'm going to ditch because I hate fûckin history. So nope, not staying.

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