Damien POV 5

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I pulled my luggage off the conveyer belt. It was easy to spot, it was the giant, once-blue backpack that was now a faded shade of grey. I'd ripped a massive hole in it while hiking through the jungles of Vietnam and had patched it up McGyver style, with some Duct Tape and chewed- up bubble gum. Kidding... no bubble gun, although Jess had suggested that. 

It had certainly been on a journey; Europe, Asia, India and now back to Asia. I caught a glimpse of the pinkness behind me and was just about to walk over, when she started walking in my direction. I quickly turned around, in order to give myself one last pep-talk. 

Be fucking cool Damien! Stop being so God damn lame. 

"Hey." I felt a tentative tap on my shoulder and my body stiffened. The scent of sweet flowers wafted through the air, and it was the first time I realised how good she smelt. 

I turned and she smiled. Her smile was different this time, it wasn't put on or barely there, it was bigger. Brighter. 

"I never got a chance to thank you for helping me with the Coke." Her eyes met mine. They were so blue and she was so pink. She was literally everything I was not. A neon splash of color in my monotone world. 

"No prob. I'm sorry for walking away like that, I just didn't expect that."

"No, I'm sorry." She jumped in quickly. "I shouldn't have, it was out of line, none of my business."

"It's ok, you just caught me off guard, it's not something I really speak about."

Her smile grew and I felt my lips twitch in response. "I was actually just about to–"

I was abruptly interrupted as five security guards descended on us. They did not look like they were here to warmly welcome up to Thailand.  

"Can I see your passports." The one had a scar down the side of his face and he looked like he hadn't smiled in years- if ever. 

Lilly scratched in her bag and started pulling hers out, I however was not going to do that. 


"What?" Lilly looked up at me with a confused expression.

"This is discrimination. I'm not giving it to you."

"Huh?" Lilly looked at me again. Clearly she'd never been in this kind of situation before, which I found hard to believe, given the way she looked right now. Obviously, this was not her usual look and for a second I wondered what had been so bad, what the hell had happened to her that she had landed up looking like this. 

The man with the scar started getting pushy. "Give me your passport."

"No!" I was firmer this time and took a step forward. I didn't take kindly to intimidation, not to mention blatant discrimination. Although I was used to it in some ways. 

"What's going on?" Lilly asked, her eyes were filled with fear now and I felt bad. Maybe I should just back down and give them my damn passport and get this crap over with. I didn't feel like dragging Lilly into something that was no doubt going to turn into a mess....

No, what the hell was I thinking. I never back down. 

"What's going on here, Lilly, is a clear case of discrimination."

"But they're just asking to see our passports." She sounded desperate. Panicked. 

"No they're not." I glared at the guard with the face like cracked cement. 

"Give me your passport." Now he was shouting and people were starting to stare. The effect on Lilly was instant, her shoulders slumped, she lowered her head and once again, she looked like she was waiting for the floor to swallow her up. 

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