After the rain- prologue

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The universe is full of questions. Big questions. Strange, wondrous, marvelous, magical questions that don’t have easy answers.

 Who are we? Where do we come from? Is there such a thing as destiny? Fate? Serendipity?

 Well, that’s what this story is about. And by the end, you will believe in it all. Because there’s no other possible explanation. How could two people like Marcus and Stormy have come together?

 Contradictions. Oxymoron’s. Black and white. Night and day. Polar opposites who were brought together on a freakish collision course, in the strangest of ways.

Like an asteroid headed for the earth; they crashed, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Yes, this is a story about fate. And how the universe works in mysterious ways.

Very, very mysterious ways.

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