Oh, Damien...

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I must say, I love Damien. He is one of my favorite characters that I have even written (Ben from LOVE TO HATE YOU comes in pretty close though) 

What I love about him is that he is not your usual "tight-ab" hero, he is a little different. He is flawed and real and actually the perfect man for Lilly. People always ask where I got the inspiration for Damien from, and I have to confess, that I poured myself into the character of  Damien. He is probably the closest character to me that I have ever written- I guess that is why he holds such a special place in my heart. 

His story and feelings parallel my own in many ways, some of you may know that I also lost a brother in a car accident, and you probably ALL know how OBSESSED I am with Depeche Mode- just like Damien. I first heard them back in 1988, when I was 8 years old (OK, now I am really showing my age) and it was love at first "hear". And nearly 30 years later, they are still my constant musical companions!  

I found it pretty therapeutic writing this book, and poured a lot of myself into it. I am also really into physics and all the cool, mysteries of the universe. I do however find that the more I learn about it all, the less I bloody know. 

Music plays such an important role in my writing and my life, and I know most of you don't know who the hell I am talking about when I say Depeche Mode, and if you do, you probably think "old weird guys that make strange dark music" So I can't resist the urge to introduce you to them, I have attached video's above each chapter, since I love watching and listening to them live. I'll start with the more commercial stuff- not to scare you all away. 

You also might start realising where the other inspiration for Damien came from..... ;)

Anyhoo, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and thanks again


*Precious- Depeche Mode. (Beautiful song that was actually written for his young children after he went through a divorce) 

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