Chapter 5-Extra Bouncy Ball

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"Hey Destiny!"

"Hey!" I shrieked. "What are you guys doing?"

The moment I entered the cafeteria I was snagged by Robert and Aram, each one taking a hand and taking me to their table. I have to say the nerd is strong, no need to mention Aram's strength, six pack over there. It would be quite a scene to watch if only I wasn't the person being abducted.

"Taking you to lunch."

"I could walk with my own two legs fine. Besides I haven't got my lunch. Where are you dragging me?" I whisper yelled not wanting to create a scene and attract attention. Nevertheless, people turned silent and stared at me. I wonder if I somehow turned into an alien overnight. I should have checked in the mirror before coming to college.

"We already got it for you. What were you doing? We are waiting for you for a long time."

"Waiting for me? Why don't I like that idea?" I asked and soon I was seated at their regular table. Just then Aram's friend, the one who showed enthusiasm about me being questioned yesterday, arrived with lunch for me. They sat down too looking at me smiling brightly.

"No." I said.

"What? We never said anything?"

"Whatever it is that you want the answer is still no."


"No." I said sternly crossing my hands.

"Please Destiny. You are sweet girl. Your session yesterday was very famous, see." He said sliding his phone and to my utter shock there was the video of yesterday's truth session.

"So many views, likes, comments and shares." Aram added. "Along with Robert you too will get famous."

"Along with a haters club." I said glaring. "They concluded that I hate them and started a club to which I am the president. Does this make any sense to you?" I stood up immediately. "And I want this video deleted immediately." I decided to find another table and eat peacefully or else these idiots would shatter whatever peace I still had left in my life. Just when I was about to take the plate in my hand and walk away Aram decided to stand.

"Standing would do good." He said standing and going a little far away.

"What?" I questioned confused and out of the corner of my I could see the entire cafeteria watching us. Don't they have their own business instead of watching us.

"Robert's new invention. Extra bouncy ball." Aram said showing the yellow greenish ball, not attractive in the least looking like a slime ball, in his hand which I didn't notice till now. "Catch." He said throwing it at me before I can realize it. The major drawback here. I suck at every game. Indoor or outdoor, no matter what! And catching that slime ball is not in my best interest. What if it melted in my hands which could be possible since it is an invention. That thought didn't settle well with me.

"Bloody hell. I am not good at catches!" I shouted but now that the ball is thrown, I can't turn back the time. I shook my head wide eyed at the ball approaching and decided to duck but in that mere seconds I realized that if I duck it would hit Kidou square in the face, who just passed by me to the next table behind. Just my luck! Wherever I go, they are there.

I don't know how but I successfully caught the ball. This is a record! I never caught a ball before and hence it calls for a celebration or so I thought but this ball was super duper elastic and bounced off from my hands. Yes, you heard right. The ball bounced from my hands with twice the speed it reached me. May be this is what he meant by 'extra bouncy'. After all I can't expect Robert to bring a normal ball and name it as his invention. But why should they decide to use 'extra bouncy ball' on a girl who can't even catch regular balls. Ugh! Screw them.

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