Chapter 55-Mom

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You know sleeping is a very wonderful thing. It is a special world in which there are no worries and one can be peaceful but right now that is not what happening to me. I feel like I am being moved and believe me when I say that is very irritating. But I do appreciate the covers keeping me warm and comfortable. If only I wasn't being moved. Wait? I am being moved?

I opened my eyes immediately to find the blonde spiky hair of Gouenji. I think I never described Gouenji's appearance so let me do the honors now since it is a sin to not talk about such godly creature. He has a perfect blonde hair with slight golden tinge which is almost spiky and just woke up from bed style. I really want to touch his hair and see how it feels. Is it spiky like how it is seen or silky?

His eyes the perfect shade of ocean green and staring in his eyes makes me feel as if plunging into the depths of an ocean. His lips, very pink, of course in the manly terms and very full. They are very smooth and warm, soft and tastes better than my favorite milk shake. How do I know? Of course I was kissed though a light peck I could still remember it. The first time was an accident and I was too horrified to feel anything but the second time, that memory was permanently etched into my brain.

His body is a perfect one too, at least for me. He doesn't have any six packs or eight packs. Just a lean body with no ounce of fat. A perfect lean body with muscles, of course not too lean like a stick. I can feel the manly strength from him. How do I know? I had the perfect view of him in a low towel when I was at his home for the first time. His height, I am not sure but would be 5'8 to 6 feet. I am not sure since I am bad estimating the height but he has the perfect height in proportion to his body.

He is like the Adonis to me from every angle. And the most important thing of all a beautiful and kind heart. The number one attraction and outranking any kind of physical looks. His beautiful heart is what makes him perfect in my view. And that brain of his is no less than a computer. There is nothing he can't do as far as I've seen. I've never seen him playing sports but I bet he would be good at that too. He excels in everything making him the epitome of perfection and object of jealousy for guys.

"Take a picture it will last longer." Gouenji's voice brought me out of the stupor and I realized I was staring at him and enlisting his good features to myself. I blushed bright red in embarrassment and he enjoyed it based on the smirk on his face.

"Sorry! I just woke up and didn't realize what I was doing." I mumbled an apology utterly embarrassed of myself.

"No need to apologize. I am all yours to stare at." He said with a twinkle in his eyes making me want to stare at him. When did he became mine? I don't remember? May be because of our decision to marry. Putting that all aside what am I doing outside here now. It's still dark, the early morning sun barely coming out. Why am I outside in the arms of Gouenji again?

"Um... what am I doing here? Where am I?"


"What?" I turned towards him shocked. When did I arrive in Boston? I clearly remember sleeping in New York at Gouenji's home.

"What?" He asked back looking as if he said nothing wrong.

"What do you mean by what? What am I doing in Boston? How did I arrive here? What about Dannon? He will cry when he finds that I am not with him. I swear I will kill you if that happens!"

"Breathe! Stop ranting and start breathing slowly. Breathe! In and out!" I narrowed my eyes at him in warning. "After you slept around midnight I got you into my private jet and got you to Boston. You said we will talk to your parent through phone but I prefer talking to my in laws directly." In laws? Why do I feel happy about that? "Especially when we are telling them about our marriage. I want to take their blessings directly. They are going to be my mom and dad from now and I would prefer to get their blessings in person. I guessed you would want to be there. And if you are talking about Dannon don't you feel him?"

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