Introduction to everyone!

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Target: drug deal

"Alpha squad ready?" A voice ran through the earpiece. "Ready." Virgo was crouched with her magic dagger in hand. "Ready." Taurus fixed the gloves on his hands. "Ready." Scorpio unsheathed his scythe.

"Then mission is a go." The voice said. "Copy that BB." Taurus whispered. BB was their groups leader. Virgo peered around the corner and saw some shady people in black exchanging suitcases.

"Three..." Virgo clenched her hand around her dagger. "Two..." Taurus activated his gloves, long claws poked out. "One!" Scorpio raised his large scythe and ran in.

The men looked surprised and pulled out their guns and started firing. Scorpio twirled his scythe, deflecting most of the bullets. One managed to pass his defense and skim past his side, he hissed in pain.

Now infuriated Scorpio brought his scythe down in a large sweeping motion, taking the heads off of four people. A large man grabbed for Virgo but she smirked, grabbed his arm, dislocated it, and finished by stabbing her dagger in the man's jugular.

Blood spraying everywhere he slid to the ground. Taurus moved side to side lashing out with his claws. He jabbed a man in the stomach and then turned just in time to stab another. The men fell to the ground.

The team heard police sirens closing in. "Time to go!" Virgo alerted and swiftly ran in the shadows Taurus and Scorpio followed, putting away their weapons.

"Target neutralized sir." Virgo spoke in the earpiece. "Good job, now come back for classes." He ordered. "Oh come on! Classes?! Now?" Taurus groaned. "Yes Taurus classes." He had a more strict tone.

"Yes sir..." He sighed. Scorpio didn't say anything but he could feel the burning in his side grow as they ran, he slightly faltered behind.

Aquarius was mentally kicking herself, she wanted to get out of this class! Botany is so boring, learning about plants she had more fun in Chemistry, creating deadly poisons for her enemy. She was jealous at the alpha squad they got to go on high leveled missions.

She wasn't far behind she was in Beta squad with Capricorn and Leo, but the most dangerous mission they went on was killing a gang. "Aqua? How do you make a silent killer potion?" The teacher called on her. She knew the answer but she didn't want to say it.

"Aqua I know you know it, now tell us." The teacher glared at her. "Fine." She sighed. "Nightshade berries and hemlock leaves." She answered. "Correct can you tell us what it does to the body?" The teacher asked.

"It disrupts the digestive system and destroys the nervous system, it takes effect in five minutes." She answered. "Good, now as you punishment for daydreaming I want you to make that poison, it will be worth half your grade." She ordered.

"Do you know how hard it is to find nightshade berries?!" Aquarius argued. "That's why it's a punishment young lady." The teacher slammed her hand on the desk. Aquarius scoffed and sat down. It didn't help that she didn't have any friends in this class.

In chemistry she had Capricorn but that was it. Most of her friends signed up for combat training. She sighed heavily and heard the bell ring. She had to finish Chem and then make that stupid poison.

Leo bit his lip as he concentrated on making his latest weapons, electric pulsators. "Watcha working on?" Gemini said happily. "Just my new invention." He said confidently. "If I attach this on someone I can electrocute them whenever I want, the current is strong enough to kill and its small enough to go unnoticed.

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