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"Hey! Wake up!" BB felt water splash on his face. He woke up and tried sitting up but he wasn't able to. He looked around and saw his arms, legs, and waist were tied down. "What's going on here?!" He shouted.

"Your under FBI custody, for murder, you and all your friends." The man pulled on a badge. "Murder?" BB was astonished. "Yes, our clues led to you and your 12 little friends, you guys were responsible for numerous murders, and our now under the death penalty." He squinted.

BB had his mouth open. "You were responsible for the death of the Prime minister, several people in an organization, an unstable man, and innocent bystanders." He listed. "But they were all murderers themselves!" He defended.  "Yes but they are dead now and you were the cause of death, making you the present murderers." He explained.

BB struggled against his restraints. "What happens to everyone?" He took a breath and asked.  "In the same position as you, they are all scheduled for death at different times, your last." He smiled and left the dark room.

Well they were screwed.

"Ohhhh my head...." Leo woke up and tried running his head but found himself restrained. He turned his head side to side and saw his weapons on display on the side. "What the hell?" He blinked twice to see a description of him on the wall.

The only words he saw were murderer and death penalty. He knew exactly what was going on. "Ah I see your awake." A man in a black suit came through the door. "I assume you already know what's going on?" He put gloves on.

Leo didn't say a word. "Alright bring him into the viewing room." The man snapped his fingers and four people came in. They untied him and he immediately tried to escape. The men grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back.

He winced in pain. "Try and run again and I will shoot you on the spot." The man hissed. "Did it really matter anymore?" He mumbled. The shoved him into an all glass room. He was confused. The lights flickered on and saw all of his friends tied down to tables and screaming at him.

"Your the first one." The man cracked his knuckles. "Perhaps I will have a little fun with you first." He snickered. "What kind of FBI is this?" Leo yelled. "One that your gonna die in." The man punched him straight in the jaw. Leo saw spots as he fell to the floor.

He spit out blood and got back up, this time  raising his fists. "My captain ordered me to just bruise you up first then give the injection, but I want to kill you right now." The man punched him in the gut.

Leo felt his stomach lurch, he fought back this time, swinging for the man's face. The man laughed and jumped to the side and kicked him in the shin. Leo yelped in pain as he fell to the floor. "LEO!" He heard Libra's voice somewhere.

He slowly looked up and saw her on the table. She mouthed something to him, he seemed to understand it. He grunted as he got up. "Is that all you got?" Leo smiled. "That cockiness is going to get you killed today." He punched with his right hand.

"You won't get me again." Leo dodged to the side, grabbed his arm, and twisted to his back. He shoved him against the glass wall, specifically where Libra was. "NOW!" He yelled, smooshing his face in the wall.

Libra stared deep into the man's eyes. The man's body seemed to go limp. "Go unlock the door, and give Leo the keys to the others." She said. The man nodded and slowly walked to Leo and have him the keys, he then unlocked the door. Libra let him go and he fell to the ground.

Leo gasped at the pain he felt in his stomach and jaw, but there was no time to focus on that. He went to Libra's room first and unlocked her. She gave him a quick kiss "let's unlock the others." She said and they ran to the next room.

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