Chapter 6

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    DST1: ch 6

After getting home from school all I want to do is curl up in a ball. Practice was the usual, but tiring. Mason kept giving me dirty looks all day, which I tried to ignore. It turns out his buddies that are twins just so happen to be in my first period class. Luckily they don't talk to me. Bear comes over to me wagging his tail and I smile petting his head. My phone vibrates letting me know I got a text. I look down to see its Mikey. Mikey luckily has been trying to make it up to me, but he tries with every little thing.

I text him I have to get dog food, and he says he wants to come. Telling him okay I wait for him to pick me up. As soon as his car pulls in I put Bear's leash on him, and we head out. Mikey looks confused as to why I'm bringing him. "Um... Dylan?" He questions.

"He likes to go into the pet store." I say smiling down to Bear.

"Okay then." He says opening the back door for Bear. Bear hops in no problem, and Mikey shuts the door. We both get in and he starts the car. The drive is silent, which I find comforting. Mikey pulls into a parking space shutting the car off, and I quickly get out letting Bear out too. As we start walking into the store Mikey takes my free hand in his. I smile slightly at the gesture, but it still doesn't feel right. I shake that feeling off leaning into his side.

We step into the place and Bear leads the way to where they keep the dog food. I stop dead in my tracks as I catch a familiar face down one of the aisles. I gulp and look to see Bear, who seems to notice the person too. I swear under my breath not wanting to see him here, or anywhere. I feel Mikey watching me strangely, but I can't help staying frozen in my spot.

"Babe?" Mikey asks unsure. I see him with a few friends as they look at the snakes, lizards, and frogs. Bear stands alert watching him like a hawk.

"Bear, you need to pull me away." I whisper to him. Bear walks forward pulling me along with him, and I quickly hide in the food aisle. I let out a breath knowing I safe, for now.

    "Um... Babe, what was that all about?" Mikey asks looking at me confused. I shake my head as I look to the ground.

    "Nothing, come on let's hurry up and get his food." I say as I grab Bear's dog food bag. I carry it, with it hiding my face, as we hurry to the register. I quickly pay for the food glancing at Bear, who is looking around alert. Fear rolls off my body, and I can see the lady ringing me out giving me a strange look. We quickly get to the car, but before I can get in I hear his voice. I freeze in my steps, and Bear lets out a warning growl.

    "Hey sweetheart!" He calls. Mikey looks over glaring at the guy from his spot inside the car. I slowly turn around as I feel him come closer. I gulp as I see his buddies there too. He gets too close for comfort, and Bear growls wanting to get out of the car.

    "Hey! Buddy back off of my girlfriend." Mikey warns. The pizza boy laughs shaking his head.

    "Nice try." He says amused as he takes a strand of my hair in his fingers. He curls it around his fingers smirking evilly. I take in a deep breath staring right into his eyes.

"Let go of me, or you will regret it." I warn in a cold tone. I feel myself falling into the place I escaped from, and never wanted to go back to. He stands there shocked as his eyes shine in surprise. He recovers as he smirks.

"Looks like your fighter isn't here." He states. "What will happen to little old you now?" He chuckles as he wraps an arm around me. I freeze under his touch as I feel my muscles start to tense up. I feel Mikey walk closer, but so do the pizza boy's friends.

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