Chapter 8

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DST1: ch8

    I walk into math freezing in my spot as I see Lucy sitting at my desk. She is talking to Mason laughing shortly before rolling her eyes. She looks to me and grins widely. "Dylan!" She shouts excitedly. Mason looks to me as I start walking again reaching them.

    "Hey Lucy." I say as she she gets up. She hugs me tight squeezing the air out of me.

    "Luce let her go." Mason demands. She lets me go groaning. She goes to sit back at my seat, but I stop her.

    "Um... Lucy, that's kinda my seat." I say cautiously. She looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights. She then whips her head to Mason.

    "Why didn't you tell me!" She exclaims annoyed. He just shrugs his shoulders before leaning back against the seat. He crosses his arms over his chest looking annoyed. He also looks scary as he has a look on his face that says don't talk to me or you better watch it. She lets me have my seat, and I take it quietly. "Well I'm going to go talk to the teacher, wish me luck." She groans as the teacher walks in.

"You got this." I say cheery sending her a smile. She returns it before walking to the teacher. I feel Mason's eyes on me as I look down at my desk.

"So, how do you know her?" He asks somewhat curious. I look at him confused.

"Why do you care?" His eyes narrow at me.

"I don't. I just want to know." He says annoyed and appalled that I would think he cared. I sigh crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against my chair.

"Long personal story..." I trail off. He seems a little mad I don't explain before he turns around as the bell rings. Lucy sits to the right of me making me tense. I try to pay attention to the notes we have to take, but suddenly Mason swears under his breath as he looks to the clock. He quickly takes his stuff and hauls it out of the classroom. Everyone watches him whispering, and the teacher stops her lesson looking to the door confused.

I force myself curious self to not get up and follow him. For some reason I can't help but need to know where he is going, and why he left so suddenly. I tap the end of my pencil on the edge of my desk trying to focus as the teacher starts teaching again. I feel people start to grow annoyed as they send me glares, but I ignore them. When the bell finally rings I high tail it out if there, and somehow Lucy seems to catch up to me.

"You okay?" She asks. I shrug as Kailey joins us, but looks confused seeing Lucy.

"You come here now?" Kailey asks a little excited. Lucy grins nodding her head.

"Yes, and I'm even joining the swim team. I all ready talked to coach, and he said that he is happy I want to join." She says smile widely as we reach the cafe.

"That's great!" Kailey says enthusiastically. "Dylan, is everything okay?" Kailey asks directing her attention to me now. I let out a breath looking to her.

"I'm confused as fuck." I say as we reach our table in the corner. We all take a seat and they look to me to elaborate. "Mikey is being all weird about wanting me to go to his game, but he didn't even go to my meet. Then there is Mason..." I trail off taking my lunch out.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" Lucy asks pissed off. I look to her slightly confused.

"Who? Mason?"

"Yes Mason. What did that fucker do?" She asks again. Kailey looks at her shocked by her tone and attitude change. I can't help but smile seeing the old Lucy come out, the one I know so well.

"Well, he basically told me to stay away from him and his life. Yet today he wanted to know how we knew each other. I wouldn't tell him saying it was a long personal story."

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